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科学、技術、工学、医学(STEM)分野に焦点を当てています | ISSN: 2995-8067  G o o g l e  Scholar

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IgMin Research | マルチディシプリナリーオープンアクセスジャーナルは、科学、技術、工学、医学(STEM)の広範な分野における研究と知識の進展に貢献することを目的とした権威ある多分野のジャーナルです.


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Review Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin247

Use of Extraterrestrial Resources and Recycling Water: Curb Your Enthusiasm

The NASA approach for technology development for missions is to (1) wait for a mission need, and (2) upgrade the technology available at that time, however inadequate. 
This is illustrate...

PDF HTML 126 3
Research Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin246

Evaluating Digital Imaging Technologies for Anogenital Injury Documentation in Sexual Assault Cases

Purpose: Photo-documentation is a critical component of care and an indispensable skill for forensic clinicians treating patients who have experienced violence and trauma. This retrospective study ...

PDF HTML 125 40
Letter to Editor
DOI : 10.61927/igmin245

Exit Schreiner Collection

The Schreiner Collection is a skeletal collection at the Anatomical Institute, University of Oslo. It includes material from the Stone Age up to the 19th century and has been built up over more tha...

PDF HTML 141 37
Literature Review
DOI : 10.61927/igmin244

Risk Contagion Effects of Interconnected Manufacturing Enterprises

In recent years, manufacturing enterprises have faced overall ϐinancial stress due to market conditions and new forms of positive development. Excessive inter-company loans have led to the rupture...

PDF HTML 265 84
Research Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin243

The Role of Supplementation in Enhancing Recovery and Endurance among Fitness Trainers

This study investigates the supplementation practices among fitness trainers in Istanbul, focusing on their experiences with supplements aimed at enhancing recovery and endurance. Utilizing a mixed...

PDF HTML 309 80
Research Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin242

Lunar-Derived Propellants for Fueling Mars-Bound Spacecraft in Cis-Lunar Space

The conventional method to send payloads to Mars is by direct trans-Mars injection (TMI) from LEO. NASA is considering an alternative of fueling large Mars-bound cargo transfer vehicles in cis-luna...

PDF HTML 308 74

A Case of Facial Erysipelas with Necrosis of the Upper Eyelid

Erysipelas is a superficial cutaneous process that is usually restricted to the dermis, but with prominent lymphatic involvement commonly caused by streptococci. Here, we report an unusual case of ...

PDF HTML 246 85
Research Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin240

Trend of SO2 Gas Dry Deposition in Vietnam

This research used the calculating method of dry deposition to estimate SO2 dry deposition value and evaluate its trend in 5 recent years. The results indicate that SO2 emissi...

PDF 142
Review Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin239

Revisiting Ice Ages Cycles

The astronomical theory of ice ages is widely accepted. Yet, it is not abundantly clear just exactly what the astronomical theory of ice ages is, other than the vague statement that variations in t...

PDF HTML 297 96

Revisit TBCK-A Pseudo Kinase or a True Kinase

Since the initial identification of TBCK (formerly MGC16169) in 2010, significant advances have been made in understanding the role of TBCK mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders such as TBCK en...

PDF HTML 329 152
Letter to Editor
DOI : 10.61927/igmin237

Compatibility Analysis of Frequency Containment Reserve and Load Frequency Control Functions

The study focuses on investigating the behavior of Electric Power Systems (EPS) during desynchronization from a synchronous area, its stability in island mode operation, and its synchronization wit...

PDF HTML 374 145
Research Article
DOI : 10.61927/igmin236

Use of Augmented Reality as a Radiation-free Alternative in Pain Management Spinal Surgeries

Recent advancements in computer-assisted surgical navigation have enhanced imaging precision while reducing fluoroscopy reliance. However, integrating these systems into outpatient interventional p...

PDF HTML 416 112



IgMin Research - STEM | 多分野オープンアクセスジャーナルでは、複数の分野にわたる知識の境界を前進させることに尽力しています。影響力のある研究の普及を促進するための取り組みの一環として、誇りを持って専門的な記事改変サービスをご紹介いたします。



Welcome to IgMin Research - STEM| 多分野オープンアクセスジャーナル! 科学、技術、工学、医学科学(STEM)の分野での知識の発展に貢献するために、皆様からの原稿を受け付けていることを喜んでお知らせいたします。




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