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Research Article

03 Sep, 2024

The Role of Supplementation in Enhancing Recovery and Endurance among Fitness Trainers
Bekir Erhan Orhan

This study investigates the supplementation practices among fitness trainers in Istanbul, focusing on their experiences with supplements aimed at enhancing recovery and endurance. Utilizing a mixed...

PDF HTML 68 27
Research Article

03 Sep, 2024

Lunar-Derived Propellants for Fueling Mars-Bound Spacecraft in Cis-Lunar Space
Donald Rapp

The conventional method to send payloads to Mars is by direct trans-Mars injection (TMI) from LEO. NASA is considering an alternative of fueling large Mars-bound cargo transfer vehicles in cis-luna...

PDF HTML 44 16
Mini Review

02 Sep, 2024

A Case of Facial Erysipelas with Necrosis of the Upper Eyelid
Mariana LevkivYaroslav Nahirnyi, Vasyl Kopcha, Nataliya Tverdokhlib and Ivan Stefaniv

Erysipelas is a superficial cutaneous process that is usually restricted to the dermis, but with prominent lymphatic involvement commonly caused by streptococci. Here, we report an unusual case of ...

PDF HTML 53 20
Research Article

26 Aug, 2024

Trend of SO2 Gas Dry Deposition in Vietnam
Minh Thu Nguyen

This research used the calculating method of dry deposition to estimate SO2 dry deposition value and evaluate its trend in 5 recent years. The results indicate that SO2 emissi...

PDF 54
Review Article

22 Aug, 2024

Revisiting Ice Ages Cycles
Donald Rapp

The astronomical theory of ice ages is widely accepted. Yet, it is not abundantly clear just exactly what the astronomical theory of ice ages is, other than the vague statement that variations in t...

PDF HTML 105 47
Mini Review

19 Aug, 2024

Revisit TBCK-A Pseudo Kinase or a True Kinase
Jin Wu and Jianjun Zhu

Since the initial identification of TBCK (formerly MGC16169) in 2010, significant advances have been made in understanding the role of TBCK mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders such as TBCK en...

PDF HTML 113 83
Letter to Editor

14 Aug, 2024

Compatibility Analysis of Frequency Containment Reserve and Load Frequency Control Functions
Ramūnas Deltuva

The study focuses on investigating the behavior of Electric Power Systems (EPS) during desynchronization from a synchronous area, its stability in island mode operation, and its synchronization wit...

PDF HTML 167 71
Research Article

09 Aug, 2024

Use of Augmented Reality as a Radiation-free Alternative in Pain Management Spinal Surgeries
Songyuan Lu, Jingwen Hui, Eric Lee, Darin Tsui, Farshad M Ahadian and Frank E Talke*

Recent advancements in computer-assisted surgical navigation have enhanced imaging precision while reducing fluoroscopy reliance. However, integrating these systems into outpatient interventional p...

PDF HTML 227 54
Research Article

07 Aug, 2024

Study of the Histological Features of the Stroma of High-Grade Gliomas Depending on the Status of the Mutation in the IDH1 Gene
Darya Sitovskaya, Ksenia Frolkova, Elizaveta Shanina, Tatyana Sokolova and Yulia Zabrodskaya

High-grade gliomas are known for their aggressive nature and resistance to therapy. One characteristic feature of these tumors is the lack of a clear border between the tumor and normal brain tissu...

PDF HTML 174 79
Mini Review

06 Aug, 2024

Mastocytosis: Principles and Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of a Unique Disease
Martina Rudelius*

Mastocytosis, a hematological neoplasm, manifests with diverse clinical, molecular, and histomorphological features. This review explores the different subtypes of mastocytosis, focusing on the rol...

PDF HTML 448 93
Mini Review

24 Jul, 2024

Analysis of Reliable Transmission Performance Optimization Methods for Satellite-to-Ground Laser Communication Links
Zhi Liu, Qingfang Jiang, Kanglian Zhao, Xianzhu Liu, Wanzhuo Ma and Xiaolong Ni

The satellite-to-ground laser communication link plays a crucial role in addressing the technical bottleneck of high-speed information transmission between satellite and ground networks. However, t...

PDF HTML 465 202
Review Article

31 Jul, 2024

A New Physical Phenomenon Discovered When Microbiology Meets Surrealism: The Yoshida Effect has the Power to Fuse Bacteria and Nano-Acicular Materials
Naoto Yoshida

Surrealism is a means of artistic expression that places automatism at the root of creation, and it has pursued thought that is entirely free of any preconceived notions or restraints. Art and scie...

PDF HTML 389 73