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Ayat-Allah Bouramdane 編集者 at IgMin Research



Graduated in 2017 as an Energy Engineer from the School of Energy at the International University of Rabat (IUR), with an exchange program at the École Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux (EEIGM), the École Nationale Supérieure d'Électricité et Mécanique (ENSEM), and the Faculté des Sciences et Technologies (FST) at the University of Lorraine in Nancy. In 2018, Ayat-Allah obtained her master’s degree, in the context of the Graduate Degree Program "Energy Environment: Science, Technology & Management (STEEM)", from the Ecole Polytechnique, with a thesis carried out at the Laboratoire de Génie Électrique & Électronique de Paris (GeePs) at CentraleSupélec.

In 2021, Ayat-Allah obtained her Ph.D. from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), specifically within the Ecole Polytechnique and the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (LMD-IPSL). Her thesis focuses on modeling and optimizing renewable energy systems, emphasizing flexibility options such as various energy storage configurations, as well as spatio-temporal complementarities, in the context of different renewable energy penetration scenarios. It takes into account current and future climate conditions influenced by climate change scenarios.

In 2022, she held the position of postdoctoral researcher and group leader in modelling at a research platform dedicated to solar energy. Currently, she is a researcher at the Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials (LERMA) and an assistant professor at the College of Engineering and Architecture at the IUR. Her research has resulted in peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations as a speaker. Additionally, she participates in scientific outreach activities related to climate change and energy flexibility.

Research Interest

Energy Mix Modelling and Optimization, Climate Change, Energy Storage, Energy Dispatching, Smart Grids/Cities, Hydrogen, Water Management, Offshore Floating Photovoltaic, Onshore and Offshore Wind, Concentrated Solar Power, Utility-Scale Photovoltaic, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Cost, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence.