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Valeria Iobbi 編集者 at IgMin Research



Dr. Iobbi works on aromatic plants grown in Liguria that are included in agricultural development projects. The project is focused on different fields: phytochemical extraction, isolation, and characterization of natural compounds from medicinal plants, to promote the sustainable use of biodiversity.

The identification of compounds is performed through gas chromatography, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. NMR Chenomx ( is a patented software that allows the unique and exclusive molecular profile of a sample (food or biologically derived) to emerge, thus characterizing it from a metabolic point of view.

The obtained data can be evaluated based on classic and advanced statistical methods. Alongside the instrumental approach, we combine an in-silico study, using computational chemistry programs, following a molecular docking protocol using the Schrödinger Suite

Research Interest

Natural compounds, phytochemistry, metabolomics, chromatography, extraction, molecular docking simulation, molecular dynamic simulations