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Semiconductor Technology at IgMin Research | Technology Group



Discover the transformative world of Semiconductor Technology through the dedicated pages of IgMin Research. This segment delves into the intricate domain of semiconductor materials, devices, and processes, driving the foundation of modern electronics and cutting-edge innovations. From microchips that power our devices to advanced sensors and quantum computing, we explore the forefront of Semiconductor Technology, where breakthroughs are forged, and possibilities are limitless.

Pioneering the Digital Frontier

In an era where technological evolution is swift and profound, Semiconductor Technology emerges as the bedrock of modern civilization. This section of IgMin Research embarks on an exploration of the fascinating realm of semiconductors, uncovering their crucial role in shaping every facet of our digital world. We delve into the fabrication techniques, material advancements, and applications that continue to redefine the boundaries of possibility.

  • Integrated Circuit (IC) Design and Fabrication
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes
  • Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
  • Photolithography and Etching Techniques
  • Semiconductor Materials (Silicon
  • Gallium Nitride
  • etc.)
  • Semiconductor Device Physics
  • Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
  • Quantum Dot Technology
  • Optoelectronic Devices (LEDs
  • Lasers
  • Photodetectors)
  • Semiconductor Packaging and Assembly
  • Analog and Digital Electronics
  • Compound Semiconductor Devices
  • Semiconductor Device Modeling and Simulation
  • Semiconductor Failure Analysis
  • Emerging Semiconductor Materials (2D Materials
  • Organic Semiconductors)
  • Silicon Photonics
  • Power Semiconductor Devices
  • Semiconductor Sensors
  • Spintronics and Magnetic Semiconductors
  • Semiconductor Device Characterization
  • Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
  • Bioelectronics and Biomedical Applications
  • Semiconductor Process Control and Yield Enhancement
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
  • Advanced Semiconductor Technologies

Technology Group (2)

Research Article Article ID: igmin193

Open Access Policy refers to a set of principles and guidelines aimed at providing unrestricted access to scholarly research and literature. It promotes the free availability and unrestricted use of research outputs, enabling researchers, students, and the general public to access, read, download, and distribute scholarly articles without financial or legal barriers. In this response, I will provide you with an overview of the history and latest resolutions related to Open Access Policy.

Current Oscillations and Resonances in Nanocrystals of Narrow-gap Semiconductors
by ND Zhukov

In single colloidal nanocrystals of narrow-gap semiconductors PbS and InSb, current instability in the form of quasi-periodic spikes and current resonance peaks was studied by measuring on a scanning probe microscope and analyzing Current-Voltage Characteristics (CVC). The observed phenomena are explained in models of the wave de Broglie process and Bloch oscillations. Statistically, the percentages of such samples and the parameters of oscillations on the current-voltage characteristic are higher, the larger the size quantization parameter, de...termined by the de Broglie wavelength. A possible practical use is the generation and recording of terahertz radiation modulated by ultrashort pulses.

Semiconductor Technology
Research Article Article ID: igmin134

Open Access Policy refers to a set of principles and guidelines aimed at providing unrestricted access to scholarly research and literature. It promotes the free availability and unrestricted use of research outputs, enabling researchers, students, and the general public to access, read, download, and distribute scholarly articles without financial or legal barriers. In this response, I will provide you with an overview of the history and latest resolutions related to Open Access Policy.

Properties of Indium Antimonide Nanocrystals as Nanoelectronic Elements
by Nikolai Dmitrievich Zhukov

By measurements on single nanocrystals of indium antimonide in the interelectrode nanogap of a scanning probe microscope, current-voltage characteristics with quasiperiodic current pulsations, are explained in the model of Bloch oscillations in a perfect nanocrystal, and individual sharp peaks - conductivity resonances, explained in the model of quantum-size limitation of the wave process of electron transport in a deep potential hole. The mutual influence of radiation from two statistical ensembles of nanocrystals from the same batch was exper...imentally studied and established. It is assumed that this radiation is entangled photons. It is proposed to use nanocrystals in nanoelectronics as a single-electron memristor, a single-photon bolometer, and a source of microwave radiation.

Semiconductor Technology