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Review report template

Review report template at IgMin Research

We believe in bridging the gaps between fields to strengthen interdisciplinary understanding.

Preparing Your Manuscript


総説は、研究者や専門家にとって、特定の学術領域に関する包括的な洞察を提供する貴重な資料となる。学際的ジャーナルであるIgMin Research - Biology, Medicine and Engineeringでは、最高の学術的・倫理的基準を遵守した総説論文を掲載することを目指しています。このセクションでは、掲載を検討するために、投稿原稿が総説のサブタイプごとに満たすべき基準について詳しく説明します。



  • 文献レビュー: 文献レビュー:特定のトピックに関する既存の研究を概観するもの。要約を提供し、所見を比較し、研究の現状を明らかにする。
  • 系統的レビュー: 特定の研究課題に関する複数の研究結果を要約し、統合した論文。方法論的アプローチが特徴。
  • メタアナリシス: システマティックレビューの拡張版であり、統計的手法も用いて対象研究の結果を要約する。
  • スコープレビュー: 定義された領域または研究分野に関連する主要概念、証拠の種類、研究のギャップをマッピングするために使用される。
  • ナラティブレビュー: 個人的な解釈に基づき、特定のトピックに関する洞察を提供することを目的とする。



1. 範囲と関連性: 投稿論文は、IgMin Researchの学際的な焦点である生物学、医学、工学に共鳴するものでなければならない。原稿は、科学、技術、工学、数学の中の1つまたは複数の分野に特に関連するものでなければならない。生物学、医学、工学に携わる研究者、教育者、産業界の専門家にとって有益となるような、新鮮な視点をもたらす、あるいは既存の情報を統合した総説であることが極めて重要である。

2. 独創性と新規性:総説は基本的に既存研究の要約であるが、新規の洞察や仮説、理論的枠組みを提供するものでなければならない。これは、これまでばらばらであった知見を独自に集約したもの、既存の文献を新たに解釈したもの、あるいはさらなる研究が必要な現在の知識のギャップを明らかにしたものなどとして現れる。

3. 方法論的厳密性: システマティックレビューとメタアナリシスは、PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)やMOOSE(Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)のような認知されたガイドラインに従わなければならない。著者は、使用した検索戦略、研究選択基準、データ抽出方法の概要を透明に説明しなければならない。スコーピングと文献レビューについては、標準化された報告ガイドラインはそれほど厳密ではないが、方法論のセクションは依然として詳細で、再現性があり、透明でなければならない。

4. 出典の質: 引用した論文はすべて、査読を受け、認定された学術誌に掲載されたものでなければならない。総説記事の信頼性は、基本的に引用元の研究の質と結びついています。その分野の代表的な研究が古く、まだ関連性がある場合を除き、情報源は最近のものでなければなりません。

5. 明確さと理解の深さ: 学術的な読者にふさわしい、明確で的確な言葉で書かれた論文でなければならない。優れた総説は、包括的であると同時に、最も影響力があり、関連性の高い研究に焦点を当てた見識のあるものである。複雑な概念をわかりやすく説明し、単に要約するのではなく、批判的に論じる。

6. 倫理遵守: 倫理的側面は極めて重要である。ヒトや動物を対象とした研究をレビューする場合、そのような研究はすべて適切な委員会から倫理的承認を得ていることを確認しなければならない。さらに、原稿自体に盗用された内容が含まれていてはならず、適切な引用によって正当なクレジットを示さなければならない。

Orchidea Maria Lecian


  • 利益相反: 著者は、レビューの客観性を損なう可能性のある利益相反を申告しなければならない。
  • データの公開: 総説は通常、新しいデータを発表することはないが、もし発表する場合は、倫理的または守秘義務上の制約がない限り、すべてのデータをオープンにしなければならない。
  • 著者の貢献: すべての著者は、総説の構想、デザイン、実行、解釈に大きく貢献しなければならない。責任著者は、すべての著者がこれらの基準を満たしていることを確認する責任がある。


IgMin Research - Biology, Medicine and Engineeringに投稿する総説記事の準備は、一連の厳格な基準を遵守する必要がある微妙なプロセスです。これらのガイドラインに従うことで、原稿が査読に採用されるだけでなく、Biology, Medicine and Engineeringの中で選択した分野の学術的な議論に有意義に貢献できる可能性が大幅に向上します。既存文献の網羅的な概説、厳密な方法論に従った構造的な分析、斬新な洞察を提供する批判的な総合のいずれを目指すにせよ、包括的な目標は同じであるべきです。

Standards and Guidelines for Review Articles

正しい報告基準とガイドラインを遵守することは、総説の学術的厳密性、透明性、再現性にとって極めて重要である。本セクションでは、なぜこれらの基準が重要なのか、そしてどの特定のガイドラインが異なるレビュー論文のサブタイプに関連するのかについて、網羅的な議論を行う: 文献レビュー、システマティックレビュー、メタアナリシス、スコープレビュー、ナラティブレビュー。



  1. 品質保証: 審査プロセスの方法論的厳密性を保証する。
  2. 透明性: 研究方法の詳細なロードマップを提供する。
  3. 再現性: 他の研究者による検証や反論を可能にする。
  4. 誠実性(Integrity): 倫理的ガイドラインを遵守し、責任ある研究実施を保証する。
  5. 学際的コミュニケーション: IgMin Research - Biology, Medicine and Engineeringのような学際的なジャーナルには不可欠である。



  1. 利益相反の開示: 著者は、自身の研究に偏りを与える可能性のある個人的、金銭的、学問的な対立を明確に開示しなければならない。
  2. データ利用可能性の記述: 著者は、総説を裏付けるデータが公開されているかどうかを明記し、公開されている場合はリンクや参考文献を示す。
  3. 資金提供および謝辞: 資金源および受け取ったその他のリソースを明記する。




従うべきガイドライン: 標準的なガイドラインは存在しないが、著者は包括性と厳密性に努めるべきである。

システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス: これらのサブタイプでは、方法論的アプローチは事前に定義され、再現可能でなければならない。


  1. PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses): システマティックレビューの透明性を高めるために、エビデンスに基づいた最低限の報告項目を提供する。

スコープ・レビュー: これは、特に研究分野が複雑であったり、これまで包括的なレビューが行われていなかったりする場合に、その研究分野を支える重要な概念をマッピングすることを目的としている。


  1. エビデンス統合のためのJBIマニュアル: スコーピングレビューを実施するための具体的なガイダンスを提供する。




  1. RAMESES(Realist And Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses: Evolving Standards): 強制ではないが、ナラティブ形式の統合に有用な基準を提供している。










IgMin Research - Biology, Medicine and Engineeringのような学際的ジャーナルでは、トピックや方法論が多岐にわたるため、世界的に認められた報告基準やガイドラインを厳守する必要がある。これらは確実な査読を行うための枠組みを提供するだけでなく、科学的言説の質、完全性、再現性を保証するものでもある。

Back-Bone Structure of the Article




  • 背景 : 検討中の分野やトピックの大まかな見通しを示す。関連する主要な概念、理論、変数を紹介する。レビューの対象となる問題や課題の普及率や重要性を述べる。
  • 目的 :レビューの目的と範囲を明確に概説する。どのような疑問に答えるのか。方法、理論的アプローチ、実践的応用など、特定の側面に焦点を当てたレビューか。



  • 選択基準: どのように研究を収集または除外したかを説明する。期間、言語、地理的制限、科学的妥当性の基準などの詳細を示す。
  • データソース: 検索したデータベース、検索エンジン、図書館、アーカイブを挙げる。検索の日付範囲を明記する。
  • データ抽出: 入手した資料をフィルタリングするプロセスを記述する。質と関連性はどのように判断したか。コーディング法を用いましたか?



  • Study characteristics: Summarize the studies you’ve reviewed. Discuss the number of studies, types of methodologies used, years of publication, etc.
  • Synthesis of results: Provide the main outcomes of the reviewed articles. Cluster them into themes or trends and discuss how they interact or conflict with each other.


The discussion section is the platform for deeper analysis and synthesis of the findings.

  • Summary of evidence: Summarize the key findings and their implications. Discuss how the results answer the objectives laid out in the introduction.
  • Limitations: Address any shortcomings in the data, methodology, or scope of the studies reviewed.
  • Implications for future research: Suggest avenues for further studies, highlighting gaps or unanswered questions.


This section should succinctly wrap up the key findings and their implications.

  • Summary: Provide a condensed version of the key findings and their significance.
  • Recommendations: Make any recommendations based on the findings. These could be academic, policy-oriented, or practice-based.

Supplementary material

Though not always mandatory, supplementary material can include additional data sets, tables, or a more detailed methodology section for researchers who seek to replicate your study.

Donald Rapp

Detailed Guide to Formatting for Pagination

Pagination is an often underemphasized but vital part of the manuscript preparation process. Proper pagination ensures that your document is well-organized, easily navigable, and professional-looking—traits that help your paper get the attention it deserves. It also facilitates the peer-review process, making life easier for editors and reviewers.

Importance of pagination in academic journals

Pagination helps to maintain the structure of the document. It is essential for indexing and citing purposes, as academic articles are often quoted and referenced based on page numbers. Given the multidisciplinary nature of IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering, we anticipate a diverse range of articles, each with unique formatting and organizational needs. Consistent pagination allows for a coherent layout, making it easier to compile multiple papers into a single journal issue.

Page number placement

Page numbers should be placed at the bottom-center of each page, starting from the title page. The title page is considered as page one, even though the number may not be explicitly displayed. Each subsequent section, including the abstract, introduction, main text, references, tables, and figures, should continue the numbering consecutively.

Starting new sections

Each major section, such as the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, should ideally start on a new page. This separation provides clear demarcation between sections, enhancing readability and aiding in quick navigation.

Dealing with tables and figures

  1. Tables: Insert tables close to their first mention in the text. Number tables consecutively, and ensure that all tables fit within the margins of the page.
  2. Figures: Figures should also be numbered consecutively. If a figure is too large to fit within the designated margins, it should be placed on a page by itself.

Avoiding common pagination pitfalls

  1. Orphan lines: An "orphan" is the first line of a paragraph that appears alone at the bottom of a page. Avoid this by adjusting the text to ensure that at least two lines of a paragraph appear together.
  2. Widow lines: A "widow" is the last line of a paragraph appearing alone at the top of the next page. Similar to avoiding orphans, ensure that widow lines do not appear by making minor text adjustments.
  3. Inconsistent numbering: Ensure that the numbering style is consistent throughout the document. For example, do not switch from Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
  4. Clutter: Avoid placing too many elements (e.g., text, tables, figures) on a single page, as it may make the page appear cluttered and disorganized.

Software-specific tips

Microsoft Word: Use the 'Insert > Page Number' option for automatic pagination. For sections starting on new pages, use the 'Page Break' feature rather than manually hitting 'Enter' until a new page appears.

LaTeX: The \pagenumbering command can control the style and location of page numbers. The \newpage command helps in starting a new section on a fresh page.

Proofreading for pagination

Once the document is complete, it is crucial to go through it meticulously to check for pagination errors. This includes ensuring that all pages are accounted for and that page numbers appear in sequence without any repetition or omission.

Importance of collaboration

Always collaborate with your co-authors and make sure everyone is aligned on the pagination guidelines. Use version control systems to manage different versions of the manuscript to avoid conflicting formats and numbering.

Final submission

Before the final submission, authors are advised to convert their manuscript into a PDF to ensure that the pagination remains consistent across different viewing platforms. This is crucial because the layout can sometimes change when opened on different computers or software, affecting the pagination.

Post-acceptance revisions

Upon acceptance, the editorial team may make slight adjustments to the pagination to fit the article into the journal's layout. However, these adjustments will be minimal if the guidelines provided are strictly adhered to.


Proper pagination not only enhances the readability and professionalism of your article but also facilitates easier peer review and post-acceptance processing. By adhering to these guidelines, authors can ensure that their manuscript aligns well with the high standards set by IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering.

Formatting Guidelines

Creating a polished, professionally formatted article is essential for effective scholarly communication. Correct formatting is crucial for the peer-review process, helping reviewers focus on the content of your manuscript. Below are detailed formatting guidelines for authors preparing review articles for submission to IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering, covering aspects like text, fonts, figures, tables, and supplementary files.


General layout

  • Page size: Standard A4 (210 x 297mm)
  • Margins: 2.54 cm on all sides
  • Page numbers: Inserted at the bottom-right corner
  • Line spacing: Double-spaced throughout

Headings and sub-headings

  • Font: Times New Roman, bold
  • Size:
    • Headings: 14 pt
    • Sub-Headings: 12 pt
  • Spacing: Keep a single empty line before and after each heading and sub-heading for clarity.


  • Indentation: First line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches.
  • Alignment: Left-aligned
  • Spacing: Double-spaced
  • Justification: Do not justify the text; leave a ragged right edge.

Bullet points and numbering

  • Use bullet points for lists that do not require a specific order.
  • Use numbers for lists that detail steps or are hierarchical in nature.


  • Remove all hyperlinks from the text, tables, and figures. These can be included in the reference section.

Footnotes and endnotes

  • Footnotes should be used sparingly and placed at the bottom of the page where they are referenced.
  • Endnotes should be reserved for explanatory text and appear at the end of the document.

Language and grammar

  • Use formal, academic language.
  • Avoid first-person pronouns like "I" and "we" unless your guidelines specifically allow them.
  • Proofread carefully for grammatical errors and typos.


  • General Text: Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • For emphasis: Italics or bold, not underline
  • Figure and table labels: Arial, 10 pt
  • Headings and sub-headings: Times New Roman, 14 pt for headings and 12 pt for sub-headings


  • Format: Preferably TIFF or JPEG with minimum 300 dpi resolution for quality reproduction.
  • File Naming: Label as 'Figure 1', 'Figure 2', etc.
  • Captioning: Provide captions beneath the figure and aligned centrally.
  • Color and shading: Use color figures where necessary. However, make sure to check that the figure is understandable when printed in black and white.


  • Use clean, simple designs.
  • Avoid 3D effects unless they genuinely improve clarity.


  • Use high-resolution images.
  • If the photo includes text, make sure it’s clear and legible.


  • Must be professionally designed and scanned at high resolution.


  • Font: Arial, 10 pt
  • Numbering: Consecutive, as mentioned in text ('Table 1,' 'Table 2,' etc.)
  • Title: Above the table, centered, in bold
  • Footnotes: Below the table to explain abbreviations or references
  • Alignment: All data in cells should be center-aligned
  • Borders: Use simple, unobtrusive borders

Complementary file information

Supplementary data

  • This should be submitted separately.
  • Mark clearly what the supplementary material is: e.g., Additional Video 1, Supplementary Table 1, etc.

Source files

  • Provide the source files for figures and tables, to facilitate editing if needed.

Data sets

  • If your article refers to additional data sets, make these available and clearly marked.


  • Use the National Library of Medicine (NLM) citation style for all references.
  • List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first six and add "et al."


  • Check and double-check that you have adhered to all these formatting guidelines.
  • Submitting an incorrectly formatted manuscript may delay the review process or lead to rejection.

By adhering to these formatting guidelines, you not only ease the work of reviewers and editors but also make your work more accessible and understandable to readers. This attention to detail will undoubtedly enhance the visibility and impact of your research.

Sayan Bhattacharyya

When you are preparing your manuscript for IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering, it's not just the text that speaks volumes; images, figures, and supplementary data often provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. They serve as visual aids that can make complex concepts easier to understand. However, there are critical considerations to keep in mind, especially concerning copyright issues and image quality.

Copyright issues

  1. Ownership rights: Ensure that you own the rights to the images you're submitting or that they fall under public domain. Using copyrighted images without permission can result in legal consequences and delay the publication process.
  2. Permission from copyright holders: If the image is not in the public domain and you do not own the rights, you must obtain written permission from the copyright holder. This often involves a formal request and sometimes a fee. Please keep all records of correspondence.
  3. Fair use doctrine: Sometimes copyrighted material can be used under the "Fair Use" doctrine. However, this is a complicated legal area and varies by jurisdiction. If in doubt, seek legal counsel.
  4. Attributions and citations: Ensure all images are appropriately cited and attributed. Even if an image is in the public domain, proper citation should be maintained to respect the original creator's work.

Image quality

  1. Resolution: Images should be high-resolution, ideally a minimum of 300 dpi, for clarity and quality in print and online versions. Lower resolution images are often pixelated when printed, compromising the journal's professional appearance.
  2. File formats: Use standard image formats like JPEG, PNG, or TIFF. Vector formats like SVG can be used for diagrams and illustrations that do not contain raster data.
  3. Color space: Images should be submitted in the CMYK color space for better color reproduction in print. However, for online versions, RGB is usually acceptable.
  4. Size and aspect ratios: Adhere to the specified size and aspect ratios as mentioned in the "Article Preparatory Guidelines." Inconsistent sizes and ratios could result in delays during the publication process.

Tables, charts, and graphs

These are often not treated as traditional 'figures,' but they still require careful consideration. They should be easily readable and understandable. Use only horizontal lines for separating sections and avoid vertical lines where possible.

Data integrity: Ensure that your tables, charts, and graphs accurately represent your data. Double-check for errors before submission as inaccuracies undermine the integrity of the entire paper.

Supplementary files

Supplementary files may include data sets, videos, or additional images that provide further context to the study but are not essential for the understanding of the manuscript. These should be cited within the manuscript and a legend should be provided.

Image descriptions and alt text

For accessibility, it's good practice to include image descriptions and alternative text to describe the content and function of each visual element.

Ethical considerations

Images featuring human subjects must have documented informed consent for publication. Ethical clearance must also be obtained for any images that include animal subjects.

Pre-submission check

Before you submit, do a final check:

  • Are all your images of high quality?
  • Have you verified the copyright status of each image?
  • Are all figures and tables appropriately cited and labeled?

Understanding and adhering to these guidelines will facilitate a smoother review and publication process. Poorly sourced or prepared images can delay this process and may even result in the rejection of the manuscript. Therefore, while these steps might seem laborious, they are crucial for maintaining the academic integrity and quality of the journal.

By following these guidelines carefully, you increase the likelihood of your manuscript being accepted for publication, and you also contribute to the broader academic community by providing well-documented and visually rich content that can aid in the understanding of complex Biology, Medicine and Engineering subjects.

Precautions and Cautions

Submitting a review article to IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering is a significant academic endeavor. Even experienced researchers can miss vital steps or overlook journal-specific requirements that can lead to the delay or even the rejection of the manuscript. Therefore, we strongly encourage all authors to consult our "Article Preparatory Guidelines" meticulously before preparing and submitting their manuscript. Here's why this is critical:

Alignment with journal's scope and objectives

Each journal has its unique focus and aim. Our guidelines will detail the kinds of topics and disciplines that are within the scope of IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering. Authors need to ascertain that their topic aligns with these parameters to avoid immediate rejection or time-consuming revisions.

Adherence to reporting guidelines

Our guidelines explicitly state the reporting standards that are applicable to different types of review articles. Whether it’s PRISMA for systematic reviews or MOOSE for meta-analyses, these standards ensure consistency, transparency, and credibility. Ignoring these can make the manuscript less reliable or incomparable with other studies in the field.

Methodological rigor

Review articles, particularly systematic reviews and meta-analyses, require a rigorous methodology to be considered reliable. Our guidelines provide a checklist of items and a structure that authors should follow for methodological rigor. This ensures that the review provides trustworthy and actionable insights.

Ethical compliance

Our guidelines contain necessary information about ethical approvals needed for the types of research cited in your review. Since reviews often synthesize data from multiple studies involving human or animal subjects, it’s vital to adhere to ethical norms. Overlooking this aspect can result in the retraction of the article and tarnish an author’s academic reputation.

Formatting requirements

A manuscript may contain groundbreaking insights, but if it fails to adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines, it will be returned for revision. This results in a needless delay in the publication process. Authors should pay particular attention to how the manuscript should be formatted, from text to tables and figures. This includes, but is not limited to, font size, page margins, and reference citation styles.

Data sharing and supplementary materials

Increasingly, journals are emphasizing the need for data sharing and the provision of supplementary material to accompany submissions. Our guidelines will clarify what types of supplementary materials are accepted and in what formats. Not adhering to this can also delay the review and publication process.

Peer-review process

Understanding the peer-review process can help authors be better prepared for revisions and potential criticisms. Our guidelines outline what authors can expect during this phase, including common reasons for revisions or rejection, thus aiding in better manuscript preparation.

Copyright and licensing

Our guidelines provide important information about copyright and licensing agreements. Authors need to understand the permissions needed for reproducing material from other sources and how their work will be disseminated under various open-access licenses.

Financial and conflict of interest disclosures

Failure to disclose financial conflicts of interest or funding sources can result in manuscript rejection. Our guidelines lay out the procedure for making these necessary disclosures, safeguarding the integrity of the work.

Special sections and features

Occasionally, our journal may have special issues or features that have unique guidelines. Being aware of these can provide authors with additional opportunities for submission and align their work with timely topics in the Biology, Medicine and Engineering fields.

Revision and resubmission protocols

Receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision is common in academic publishing. Our guidelines elucidate what steps authors should take in these scenarios, including how to address reviewers’ comments comprehensively and resubmit the revised manuscript.

Contact points for queries

Even the most seasoned authors may have questions or uncertainties. Our guidelines provide contact information for editorial support, helping authors throughout the submission process.

Timeline for publication

The guidelines give a general idea of the timeline from submission to publication, which is crucial for authors who may be working under academic or research deadlines.

Post-publication corrections and errata

Mistakes happen. Knowing the procedure for correcting these after publication is valuable information available in the guidelines.

Importance of author contributions

Our guidelines specify how each author's contributions should be detailed, ensuring transparency and credibility.

By thoroughly reviewing and adhering to our "Article Preparatory Guidelines," authors fortify their submissions against common pitfalls, thereby expediting the peer-review process and enhancing the possibility of publication. We strongly encourage this step as an essential element in the preparation of your manuscript for IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering.

Kevin Kendall

Manuscript Text Formatting Guidelines


Effective text formatting is critical for the readability, accessibility, and overall impact of your manuscript. Adhering to uniform guidelines enhances the quality of the publication and facilitates efficient peer review and publication processes. Below are the formatting requirements for text, tables, figures, panels, and references.

Text formatting

  1. Font & size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  2. Spacing: The text should be double-spaced.
  3. Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides.
  4. Alignment: Justify the text.
  5. Paragraphs: Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches.
  6. Page numbering: Number pages consecutively, starting with the title page.
  7. Headings and subheadings: Use bold for headings and italics for subheadings. They should also be numbered as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc., for easy navigation.


  1. Introduction: Describe the research background and the problem you aim to solve or review.
  2. Methods: Explain your methodology in detail.
  3. Results: Summarize your findings.
  4. Discussion: Interpret your results, relating them to existing literature.
  5. Conclusions: Sum up the study and its implications.


  1. Placement: Insert tables close to where they are first mentioned in the text.
  2. Numbering: Tables should be numbered consecutively.
  3. Captions: Use descriptive captions above the table.
  4. Footnotes: Use footnotes to explain abbreviations or additional information. Label them as *, **, *** for the first, second, and third footnotes, respectively.
  5. Formatting: Stick to basic grid lines—avoid using colors, unless necessary for comprehension.

Figures and panels

  1. File format: Submit figures in high-resolution PNG, JPEG, or TIFF formats.
  2. Labeling: Figures should be numbered and include a descriptive caption below.
  3. Size and resolution: Maintain a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  4. Color: If using color figures, ensure they are distinguishable when printed in grayscale.
  5. Panels: If a figure has multiple panels, label them as 1A, 1B, etc., and refer to them specifically in the text and caption.

References (NLM Style)

References should be listed at the end of the manuscript and cited in the text using superscript numbers. Here are some examples of how references should be formatted:

  1. Journal article: Smith JJ, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al. Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med. 1999;965:325–329.
  2. Book: Jones M. The Health Care Handbook. New York: Norton; 1997.

The NLM style should be rigorously followed for all types of citations including but not limited to journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and web links.

Web links and URLs

Only include web links and URLs for material that is not available in published form. They should be listed as footnotes and not as references. For example:

  • Data repository: (footnote) Data available from: URL

Additional information

  1. Authorship: A separate section should detail the contributions of each author.
  2. Acknowledgments: This is optional but encouraged. Here you may acknowledge non-authors who contributed to your research.
  3. Conflict of interest: Declare any financial interests or conflicts of interest.
  4. Ethical compliance: State all ethical clearances your research has received.
  5. Supplementary material: Any supplementary tables, data sets, figures, or additional information can be submitted as supplementary material.

Article Preparatory Guidelines

Mandatory Submission List

Note on Large Language Models

In Summation




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