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Letter guidelines

Letter guidelines at IgMin Research


Preparing Your Manuscript

The "Letters to the Editor" section in IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal serves as a forum for academic discussion and scholarly debate. This platform encourages discourse that supplements or challenges previously published articles, extends knowledge on the subject, or brings a new perspective into focus. However, not all letters are suitable for publication, and the criteria for acceptance varies depending on the subtype of the letter being submitted. Below we elaborate in great detail on these criteria.

Response letters

A Response Letter is often penned as a reaction to an article previously published in the journal. It serves to address specific issues, inaccuracies, or questions that have been raised. The main objective is to offer counterarguments, corrections, or additional insights while maintaining a scholarly tone.

Criteria for acceptance
  1. Relevance: The content must be directly relevant to an article previously published in IgMin Research – STEM. It should offer a meaningful contribution or clarification that is beneficial for the readers and the academic community.
  2. Scholarly tone and language: The letter must be written in a scholarly tone, making use of appropriate terminology and phrases. It should refrain from being overly colloquial or conversational.
  3. Evidence-based arguments: The counterarguments or additional insights should be backed by credible evidence. This can include peer-reviewed literature, statistical data, or verified factual information.
  4. Originality: While the letter is a response to existing work, the content should provide a unique viewpoint, correction, or set of insights that have not been previously covered.
  5. Author credentials: Preference is often given to subject matter experts or scholars in the related field. However, non-experts may also submit a Response Letter, provided it meets all other criteria and offers a valuable contribution.
  6. Quality of writing: The letter should be free of grammatical errors and adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the journal's Author Guidelines.
  7. Length: The word count should fall within the 800-1,200 words range, excluding references.

Review process: All Response Letters undergo a rigorous peer review process that includes an initial editorial review, followed by an evaluation by at least two external reviewers. These reviewers will assess the letter based on the above-mentioned criteria. Authors will then have the opportunity to revise their submissions based on the reviewers' feedback.

Comment letters

A Comment Letter aims to clarify a previously published article, add context, or elucidate on the theoretical implications. Unlike a Response Letter, a Comment Letter may not necessarily challenge the original work but seeks to extend it in a meaningful way.

Criteria for acceptance

  1. Contextual relevance: The Comment Letter should be closely related to an article previously published in the journal. It should provide additional context or an alternate angle that is worthwhile for the audience.
  2. Intellectual rigor: The letter should be well-reasoned and logically coherent, providing a valid and rigorous interpretation or expansion of the original work.
  3. Methodological soundness: If new data or methodologies are introduced, they must be academically sound and thoroughly validated.
  4. Scholarly presentation: The writing style should conform to academic norms, including the usage of citations where appropriate.
  5. Word limit: The letter should not exceed 1,000 words, excluding references.

Review process: The review process for Comment Letters is similar to that for Response Letters. It includes an initial editorial screening and at least two rounds of peer review. The focus here is on assessing the letter's value in extending the understanding or context of the original article.

Query letters

Query Letters are brief inquiries that seek clarification on specific aspects of a published article, be it the methodology, the data, or the conclusions drawn. These letters aim to elucidate points that may not have been clear to readers.

Criteria for acceptance

  1. Specificity: The letter should focus on one or more particular aspects of the article in question.
  2. Clarity: The query must be clear and concise, without ambiguity, so that both the authors of the original article and the readership can understand the point being made.
  3. Relevance: The question or issue raised should be of significance to the article's subject matter and be of potential interest to the journal's readership.
  4. Word limit: Should be within 300-600 words, excluding references.

Review process: Query Letters usually undergo an expedited review process. The editorial team initially screens the letter, after which it may be sent to the authors of the original article for a response.

By adhering to these extensive criteria and guidelines, authors can improve the chances of their "Letters to the Editor" being accepted for publication in IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. Keep in mind that all the general policies of the journal, such as those regarding plagiarism and ethical conduct, apply to this article type as well. The aim is to facilitate an enriching scholarly dialogue that adds value to the existing literature.

Reporting Standards and Guidelines

When submitting any form of a "Letter to the Editor"—whether it is a Response Letter, Comment Letter, or Query Letter—to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal, adhering to a set of predefined standards and guidelines is not just a mere formality but a requisite for ensuring the integrity, credibility, and scholarly value of the publication. This segment delves deep into the standards and guidelines that are expected to be observed for each subtype of "Letter to the Editor."

The importance of adherence to standards

Submission of any scholarly work, particularly those that challenge, query, or supplement existing literature, requires a robust framework of standards and guidelines. These rules don't exist to stifle innovation or limit scholarly expression; rather, they serve to sustain an environment of academic rigor, truthfulness, and transparency. Failure to adhere to these norms not only devalues the individual work in question but can also compromise the integrity of the entire scientific corpus to which it contributes.

General guidelines

The overarching guidelines for all Letters to the Editor revolve around four core elements:

  1. Ethical conduct: Adherence to ethical guidelines for research and scholarly conduct is of utmost importance. This includes but is not limited to citing all sources accurately, obtaining all necessary permissions, and making explicit any potential conflicts of interest.
  2. Clarity and concision: As the Letters to the Editor are relatively short pieces, clarity and concision are vital. Each word must serve a purpose. A clear argument or question should guide the text, supported by evidence, logical reasoning, or pertinent questions.
  3. Relevance and originality: Letters should be relevant not only to the specific article they address but also to the broader academic community. This entails presenting original perspectives, queries, or counterarguments that stimulate further scholarly discussion.
  4. Factual accuracy: Any claim, statistic, or data presented must be accurate and verifiable. This goes hand in hand with the importance of citing reliable sources and adhering to the established facts and tenets of the respective field.

Adherence to discipline-specific guidelines

Different scientific disciplines have their own sets of standards and guidelines for reporting, research, and publication. Below are some commonly adhered-to standards for various disciplines:

1. Medical and health sciences: For articles related to medical and health sciences, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations serve as the primary guidelines. Authors should consult the ICMJE Recommendations for guidelines on ethical considerations, authorship, and other reporting norms.

2. Social sciences and humanities: In the social sciences and humanities, the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines are often considered the standard. Authors must pay attention to elements like participant consent, data reporting, and qualitative analysis criteria outlined in the APA guidelines.

3. Natural and physical sciences: Articles in the natural and physical sciences commonly adhere to the guidelines laid down by respective associations or societies. For example, articles in chemistry often adhere to the American Chemical Society (ACS) guidelines.

4. Engineering and technology: Engineering and technology disciplines usually adhere to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards, particularly concerning technical documentation and validation.

Special consideration for various letter subtypes

1. Response letters: A Response Letter must strictly adhere to guidelines for critical appraisal of literature. If you are disputing findings or interpretations, it is crucial to have a solid methodological ground for your counterargument. The reporting standards for the specific field you are addressing should be rigorously followed.

2. Comment letters: Comment Letters, which are generally more opinion-based, should nonetheless be rooted in factual accuracy and logical reasoning. They should still meet all the general and discipline-specific reporting standards, particularly with regard to the substantiation of any claims made.

3. Query letters: Query Letters, being the shortest and most specific form, require extreme precision in questioning. The questions raised must be framed in a way that complies with general research questioning guidelines. The aim should not be to nitpick but to clarify or understand significant aspects of the original publication.

Tools for adherence

Various software tools can assist in adhering to reporting standards and guidelines. These include citation management tools like Zotero or EndNote, as well as more specialized software for statistical analysis, data visualization, and other technical tasks specific to a discipline.

Final checklist for standards and guidelines

Before submitting your Letter to the Editor, it's crucial to review the following:

  1. Is the letter compliant with ethical standards, including accurate citation and declaration of any conflicts of interest?
  2. Is the letter clear, concise, and free from jargon, ensuring it is accessible not just to specialists but also to a broader academic audience?
  3. Does the letter contribute something new to the existing academic discussion? Is it factually accurate and backed by appropriate evidence or logical reasoning?
  4. Have you adhered to the reporting standards and guidelines specific to the discipline addressed in the original article?

In conclusion, the standards and guidelines are not mere boxes to tick off; they are an integral part of maintaining the scholarly ecosystem's health. By diligently following them, authors contribute to the integrity, credibility, and overall value of academic discourse. Therefore, any deviation from these standards is not just a disservice to one's work but to the academic community at large.

Back-bone Structure and Word Limit

Writing for a multidisciplinary journal like IgMin Research – STEM requires a clear understanding of the article's structure, especially when submitting Letters to the Editor. These articles, due to their nature, often possess unique structural requirements compared to more traditional research articles or reviews. Below is an in-depth analysis, breaking down the structure and word limits for the three subtypes: Response Letters, Comment Letters, and Query Letters.

Response letters

Word limit and structure overview: Response Letters should ideally be between 800-1,200 words. They're slightly longer than other letters due to the need for presenting counter-arguments or additional perspectives on previously published articles.

  1. Title: The title should be succinct but descriptive, generally no more than 15 words. It must clarify the subject matter and, if possible, the particular point of contention or agreement.
  2. Authors and affiliations: List all contributing authors and their academic or professional affiliations. For multidisciplinary subjects, also specify each author's area of expertise.
  3. Main text: This is the heart of your Response Letter. It should consist of:
    1. Introduction: Briefly summarize the article you're responding to and state why a response is warranted.
    2. Arguments or perspectives: Present your counterarguments, corrections, or additional insights. Use subheadings to divide different points.
    3. Evidence: Provide data, citations, or rational argumentation to support your case.
    4. Summary: Briefly recap your key points.

References: Include all bibliographical references. These could be other papers that support your argument or even counter-arguments that you wish to address.

Essential tips

  1. Be concise: Given the word limit, get straight to the point.
  2. Be respectful: Always maintain a scholarly tone.
  3. Be thorough: Ensure you've read the original article carefully.

Comment letters

Word limit and structure overview: Comment Letters should be between 600-1,000 words. These are brief articles aiming to clarify or add context to previously published works.

  1. Title: The title should be brief, ideally less than 12 words, and should directly relate to the article being commented upon.
  2. Authors and affiliations: List all authors and their affiliations, just as you would for Response Letters.
  3. Main text: The Main Text for Comment Letters is relatively simpler and generally contains:
    1. Introduction: What the original article is about and why it's important.
    2. Commentary: Your perspectives or clarifications. This can be sub-divided further if multiple points are being discussed.
    3. Summary: Recap the importance of your commentary.

References: Include all necessary bibliographical references, particularly the article being commented on.

Essential tips

  1. Be specific: Your comments should be directly related to aspects of the original article.
  2. Be brief: You don't have a lot of space, so make every word count.

Query letters

Word limit and structure overview: Query Letters are the briefest, ranging from 300-600 words. They aim to seek clarification on specific points in a published article.

  1. Title: The title should be extremely concise, around 8-10 words, and should mention the subject of inquiry.
  2. Authors and affiliations: List all authors and their affiliations, specifying the lead author when applicable.
  3. Main text:
    1. Introduction: Briefly introduce the subject and specify the section or data in the original article you are querying.
    2. Query: Directly state your question or the clarification you are seeking.

References: Since Query Letters are highly specific, it's crucial to cite the original work accurately.

Essential tips

  1. Be precise: This is not the space for broad, sweeping questions.
  2. Be formal: Maintain academic rigor even when asking questions.

In summary, each type of Letter to the Editor—Response Letters, Comment Letters, and Query Letters—has its own unique requirements in terms of structure and word limits. Adherence to these guidelines not only helps in maintaining the integrity and consistency of the journal but also assists the editorial board in the peer-review process. Whether you are challenging an existing paradigm, adding valuable context, or seeking much-needed clarification, your contribution is invaluable. Happy writing!

Specific Formatting Guidelines for Submission

The success of your manuscript submission is partly influenced by its readability and compliance with formatting rules. Proper formatting makes it easier for peer reviewers and editors to assess the substance of your work, thus expediting the review process. Here, we delve into the intricate aspects of formatting guidelines to ensure smooth pagination and overall processing of your manuscript.

Document type and file format

Manuscripts should be submitted in either LaTeX or Microsoft Word formats. While LaTeX is commonly used for articles requiring complex mathematical notations, Microsoft Word is generally suitable for most types of articles. Regardless of the program you choose, all files should be saved with a .docx or .tex extension for Microsoft Word and LaTeX files, respectively.

  1. LaTeX templates: For LaTeX submissions, it's advisable to utilize the LaTeX templates provided on the journal's website. These templates have been customized to meet the journal's specific layout and styling requirements.
  2. Word templates: Similarly, for Microsoft Word submissions, templates are available on the journal's website. Utilizing these templates is optional but highly recommended.

Font and spacing

  1. Main text: The main text should be set in Times New Roman, 12-point size, and double-spaced. This standardization aids in readability and ensures consistent layout across different submissions.
  2. Footnotes and subscripts: Footnotes, subscripts, and superscripts should be formatted in Times New Roman but with a 10-point size. They should also be double-spaced for consistency.
  3. Code snippets and equations: Any code snippets or equations should be formatted in a monospace font, such as Courier New, to distinguish them from the main text.

Margins and pagination

A standard margin of 1-inch on all sides should be maintained throughout the document. Manuscripts should also be paginated, with page numbers appearing on the bottom-right corner of each page. The title page is considered as page one, but the number should not appear on the title page itself.

Headings and subheadings

Headings should be formatted as follows:

  • Level 1 headings: Bold, 14-point size, Times New Roman
  • Level 2 subheadings: Italicized, 12-point size, Times New Roman
  • Level 3 sub-subheadings: Regular, 12-point size, Times New Roman, Indented

Title page and affiliations

The title page should include the title of the manuscript, all authors' full names, affiliations, and contact details. Each affiliation should be annotated with a superscript number, which corresponds to the list of authors. This allows for clear identification of each author's affiliated organization.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract should provide a concise summary of your work and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should be followed by a list of 3-5 keywords, which will aid in the article’s discoverability.

Figures and tables

  1. Figures: Figures should be in JPEG or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The figures should be numbered consecutively and referred to within the text by their number (e.g., Figure 1).
  2. Tables: Tables should be inserted at appropriate points within the text rather than at the end of the document. They should be numbered consecutively and have a descriptive caption above the table.

Citations and references

Citations should be inserted at the appropriate places within the text using the NLM style. The full list of references should appear at the end of the manuscript, also following the NLM style guide. This includes the arrangement and punctuation of references.

Supplementary material

Any supplementary material like data sets, additional figures, or appendices should be submitted separately but referenced within the main manuscript. These files should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion during the review process.

Conclusions and future work

The conclusions section should briefly summarize the contributions of your manuscript and outline possible directions for future research. This section often helps reviewers and readers understand the impact of your work.

Final checklist

Before submitting, ensure your manuscript meets all formatting criteria to avoid delays in the review process. The title should be descriptive yet concise, abstract and keywords properly formatted, and the document adhering to the prescribed file format, fonts, and spacing.

In summary, the attention to formatting is not a bureaucratic hurdle but an essential aspect that aids in the scholarly dissemination of your work. By adhering to these guidelines, you not only make life easier for the editorial team but also enhance the accessibility and impact of your research.

Detailed Formatting Guidelines for Manuscripts

Text and fonts

Main text: The main body of your manuscript should be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced. The text should be left-aligned, with a 1-inch margin on all sides. This standardization is essential for ensuring readability and a uniform appearance across all manuscripts in the journal.

  1. Paragraphs: Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches. Do not insert additional lines between paragraphs.
  2. Headings and subheadings: Use bold typeface for headings and italic typeface for subheadings to differentiate between sections and subsections. Ensure each section and subsection is numbered, as mentioned in the journal's style guide.
  3. Citations: Citations should be made inline, adhering to the NLM (National Library of Medicine) style. This will involve using square brackets to indicate the reference number within the text. For example, [1].

Footnotes: Footnotes should be used sparingly and must be in Times New Roman, 10-point font, and double-spaced. Number the footnotes in the order they appear in the text, and place the corresponding numbers in superscript.

Page numbers and headers: Page numbers should be placed in the bottom center of each page. The header should contain a shortened version of your title, left-aligned, and the page number, right-aligned. Ensure this is done consistently throughout the manuscript.

Line numbers: For easier reviewing, include continuous line numbers starting from the first to the last page of your manuscript.


Figures play a crucial role in augmenting the understanding of your manuscript. All figures should be high-resolution, preferably in JPEG or TIFF formats. It is essential to keep in mind the following:

  1. Size: The figures should fit within the column width or the full text width, wherever necessary. They should be legible and clear.
  2. Color: If you are using color figures, ensure they are also understandable when printed in black and white.
  3. Legends and labels: All figures must include legends and labels that are concise yet descriptive. Use the same font style as the manuscript for all text within the figures.
  4. File naming: The figure files should be named logically, like 'Figure1.jpg,' 'Figure2.tiff,' etc.


Tables should be incorporated into the text at the appropriate sections rather than at the end of the manuscript. The following are essential points to consider:

  1. Captions: Each table should have a caption that is both brief and descriptive.
  2. Style: Use a simple and clean layout. Avoid using colors or other distracting elements.
  3. Units: All units should be included, and consistent abbreviations should be used.
  4. Footnotes in tables: Use asterisks, letters, or numbers for table footnotes, and explain them in the table legend below.

Supplementary files

These could include data sets, additional figures or tables, or supplementary discussions that contribute to the understanding or validation of the work but are not crucial for the general audience. Make sure these files are:

  1. Clearly labeled: The filenames should clearly indicate that they are supplementary and, if applicable, correspond to specific sections or figures in the main manuscript. For instance, ‘Supplementary_Table_1.xls’.
  2. Referenced within the main manuscript: Make sure you refer to each supplementary file at the relevant point within the main manuscript.
  3. Accessible formats: Use universal or widely used file formats to ensure that reviewers and readers can open the files without specialized software.

1. Supplementary file size limit: The size of each supplementary file should not exceed 20 MB unless absolutely necessary. Please consult the journal's technical team for exceptions.

2. Video and audio guidelines: If your supplementary material includes video or audio clips, make sure they are in a widely supported format like .mp4 for videos and .mp3 for audio. All such files should be clearly labeled and referenced within the main manuscript.

By following these meticulous formatting guidelines, authors will significantly ease the editing and reviewing process, ensuring that their scholarly work stands the best chance of being published without any hindrances. The goal is to maintain a level of uniformity and professionalism in all manuscripts published under the umbrella of IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal.

Incorporating Non-copyrighted Pictures

The use of images can enhance the communicative power and aesthetic appeal of your letter, be it a Response Letter, Comment Letter, or Query Letter. Well-placed, high-quality pictures can serve to emphasize your points, break up large blocks of text, and provide additional context to your writing. However, the incorporation of images into academic work raises important ethical and legal issues, chiefly concerning copyright law.

Understanding copyright laws

Before using any image, it's essential to understand copyright laws as they apply in both the country where you're submitting your work and international law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for copyright infringement, which can lead to your submission being rejected, or even legal action against you or the journal.

Creative commons and public domain

Creative Commons and Public Domain images are the safest options for use in your submissions. Creative Commons licenses allow authors to use images under various conditions, provided that you follow the stipulations laid out in the license. Public Domain images are free of all copyright and may be used by anyone for any purpose.

  1. Creative commons types: It's important to note that not all Creative Commons licenses are created equal. Some allow for commercial use, some allow modification of the original work, and others require you to share any derivative works under the same license. Always check the license to ensure you're in compliance.
  2. Finding public domain images: There are many repositories of public domain images online. Websites like Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, and Unsplash offer high-quality images that can be freely used. However, some might require attribution, so always check before use.

Proper attribution

Whenever you use an image that requires attribution, you must provide this in a clear and consistent manner. This usually includes the name of the creator, the license, and a link to the source of the image. In academic publishing, this is often done in a figure caption or an "Acknowledgements" section.

Using your own images

If you're using your own images, it's generally straightforward, but there are still considerations. For instance, if the image includes identifiable individuals, you may need to secure a model release form, especially if the submission has a broader public health context.

Image quality and formatting

Images should be high resolution but optimized for web use, to balance quality with file size. Generally, JPEG or TIFF formats are preferred for their quality and compatibility. Make sure your images are sharp, well-lit, and effectively convey the point you're trying to make.

Editorial requirements

When you submit an image as part of your letter, make sure to follow the editorial guidelines for figures and illustrations. This can include numbering, sizing, and captioning your images properly, according to the specific guidelines of IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal.

Ethical considerations

Some fields, especially medical and social sciences, require you to take special ethical considerations into account when using images. For example, any image used in a medical context must respect patient confidentiality.

Legal repercussions of copyright infringement

Copyright infringement can result in your paper being retracted, damage to your professional reputation, or even legal proceedings against you. Therefore, it's vital to ensure that you have the right to use any images you include in your submission.

Images and peer review

During the peer-review process, images will also be scrutinized for their relevance, quality, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. So, it's not just the text that undergoes review; images do too.

Final thoughts

The use of non-copyrighted pictures in your academic letter can provide additional layers of meaning, emphasize your points, and make your work more engaging. However, it comes with its own set of responsibilities. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can significantly enhance the impact of your letter while adhering to ethical and legal standards.

By paying close attention to the legal and ethical implications of image use, you not only protect yourself and the journal but also contribute to the overall integrity of academic publishing. In the realm of scholarly publications, where the theft of intellectual property is a significant concern, your meticulousness will not go unnoticed. In fact, it may even set a positive example for other academics to follow.

While images can indeed embellish your content, they should not overshadow the academic quality of your letter. The main focus should remain your argument or point of discussion, and images should only serve to complement this. Therefore, while images are encouraged when they can add to the discussion, they should be considered optional rather than mandatory.

Ensuring a Robust and Ethical Submission

Originality and authenticity

One of the cornerstones of academic publishing is originality. Authors are encouraged to offer fresh perspectives or new research. Plagiarism is a serious ethical violation and can result in immediate rejection of the manuscript. Use plagiarism detection software to ensure the originality of your content.

Referencing and citations

Failing to give appropriate credit is another form of academic dishonesty that could lead to the rejection of your submission. Ensure that all the work or statements not original to you are properly cited.

Respect for confidentiality and privacy

If your letter includes patient case studies or other confidential information, it's vital to obtain consent. Even if consent has been obtained, consider altering specific data points to protect subjects' anonymity.

Avoidance of ‘salami slicing’

The unethical practice of "salami slicing," where a single study is broken up into multiple papers to increase the number of publications, is discouraged. Such action could result in your submission being pulled from the review process.

Transparency in methodology

For Response Letters that include new data or analytical methods, full disclosure and transparency in your methodologies are critical. Lack of transparency can result in rejection during the review process.

Data fabrication and falsification

Manipulating research data with the intention of giving false impressions is a grave offense and could lead to the blacklisting of authors from future submissions.

Image manipulation

Authors should ensure that images related to the data or findings are not manipulated in a way that could potentially mislead readers. Any software used for image processing should be disclosed, and the level of alteration clarified.

Financial and competing interests

Authors should disclose any financial interests that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Non-disclosure can result in a manuscript’s rejection or retraction.

Ethical approval and consent

For any human or animal trials cited, evidence of ethical approval is a necessity. Consent forms and approval IDs should be presented during the submission process.

Authorship concerns

All persons listed as authors should have made significant contributions to the research, its conceptualization, its design, or the acquisition of the data, and drafting of the manuscript.

Redundant or duplicate submission

Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable. If found, such manuscripts will be immediately rejected.

Proper conduct during peer review

Should your paper enter the peer-review process, maintain professionalism when responding to reviewers' and editors' comments. Do not attempt to determine the identity of anonymous reviewers or to confront them outside of the official communication channels provided by the journal.

Humility in claims

Be cautious of overgeneralizing your findings. Extrapolating results from a limited study to larger groups without sufficient data can be misleading and could affect your paper's credibility.

Intellectual property

Understand the terms of your submission and the rights you will retain as the author. Check the copyright policy to ensure your work is adequately protected.

Adherence to journal policies

Last but not least, make sure to read and understand all journal policies before submitting your article. Failure to do so can result in delays or outright rejection of your submission.

Language and tone

While it's understood that your article may offer criticisms or alternative viewpoints, maintaining a scholarly tone is imperative. Avoid disparaging language, unsupported claims, or strong emotional appeals that don't belong in academic discourse.

Importance of data preservation

After the publication of your letter, data should be stored in an accessible repository for a period dictated by your institution or as per the guidelines of the journal. This ensures that other researchers can validate your results.

Corrections and retractions

In cases where errors are identified post-publication, the journal should be contacted immediately. Depending on the nature of the error, a correction or retraction may be published.

Legal responsibilities

Authors are wholly responsible for the content of their articles, including the accuracy of the data presented and the reliability and legality of their work.

Concluding note

Following these precautions and cautions meticulously not only adds to the credibility of your letter but also aids in the seamless functionality of the peer-review process, thereby contributing to the scholarly ecosystem.

In conclusion, it's paramount to approach your submission with a full understanding of not just the structural and content requirements but also the ethical imperatives that underpin reputable scholarly publishing. The editorial board places great emphasis on the integrity of the academic record, and failure to adhere to these guidelines may lead to the immediate rejection of the manuscript, irrespective of its academic merit. Therefore, these are not just recommendations but prerequisites for participation in the scholarly discourse that IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal aims to facilitate.

Manuscript Formatting in Detail

Formatting your manuscript appropriately is crucial to the publication process. A well-structured article not only aids peer-review but also helps the reader to clearly understand the content. In the following sections, we delve into the specifics of formatting your manuscript for "Letters to the Editor" in IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. The formatting guide is based on the National Library of Medicine (NLM) citation style, which is widely used in scientific writing.

General formatting principles

Document setup

  • Use Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or LaTeX formats.
  • Page setup: A4 paper size with 1-inch margins all around.
  • Text should be double-spaced.
  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font for the main text.

Page numbers and headers: Include consecutive page numbers in the upper right corner, starting from the title page. The header should contain a shortened version of the article's title.

Line numbers: Line numbers should be added for easy reference during the review process. Make sure the line numbers restart on each page.

Title page

Your title page should include:

  • Title: Must be descriptive and concise.
  • Author List: Full names and affiliations.
  • Corresponding Author: Include an email address and telephone number.


Although not commonly needed for Letters to the Editor, if your article type requires it, limit your abstract to 250 words.

Main text structure

The structure is usually more flexible for Letters but aim to have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Sections can be labeled using descriptive subheadings.


Follow the NLM citation style strictly. Citations within the text should be numerical, enclosed in square brackets, and listed in their order of appearance.

In-text citation:

  • Single author: [1]
  • Two authors: [1,2]
  • More than two authors: [1–3]

Reference list: At the end of your manuscript, include a list of references. Examples:

  • Journal Article: Author(s). Title. Journal name. Year;volume(issue):pages.
  • Book: Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Web links and URLs: For web references, provide the full URL and the date you accessed it. Cite the URL in the text and list it in the References section.

Tables, figures and panels

Tables and figures provide supplemental information to your text. They should be:

  • Numbered consecutively.
  • Referred to within the text.
  • Provided with a brief title and explanation.


  • Use Word's table function, not spreadsheets.
  • Label tables at the top with a caption.


  • Submit in JPEG or TIFF formats.
  • Figures should be high resolution, preferably 300 dpi.

Panels: Only include panels if they are essential to understanding the text. These should be well-labeled and referred to in the text.

Special characters and abbreviations

For special characters, use the Symbol font. Define abbreviations at their first occurrence and list them near the end of the document.

Supplementary files

Include any supplementary material at the end of your manuscript. They should be well-labeled and referred to in the text where necessary.

Revision and proofreading

Before submitting your manuscript, double-check formatting and typographical errors. Tools like Grammarly are helpful but remember they are not sufficient to meet our authorship criteria.

Final checklist

Before submitting, review the following:

  • Is your manuscript in the correct format (.doc, .docx, or LaTeX)?
  • Have you adhered to the word count?
  • Are all references in NLM style?
  • Are tables and figures correctly formatted and labeled?

By adhering to these guidelines, authors not only smooth the path for their manuscript's review process but also increase the work's visibility and credibility. Ensuring that you've followed every detail may seem daunting, but meticulous attention to these elements is essential for a streamlined publication process.

Visit Article Preparatory Guidelines

When preparing a manuscript for submission to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal, it is crucial for authors to adhere to the guidelines and recommendations that have been established by the journal. The aim is to standardize the quality of the submissions we receive, ensuring both scholarly integrity and the ease of peer review and subsequent publication processes.

Importance of adherence

The necessity of following these guidelines cannot be overstated. Manuscripts that are poorly formatted or are lacking key elements may be returned to the author for correction or, in some cases, outright rejected. Strict adherence to the journal's guidelines ensures that the reviewers can focus on the content, rather than being distracted by formatting issues, thereby speeding up the peer-review process. A professionally presented manuscript not only assists in the prompt dissemination of your research findings but also raises the profile of both the authors and the journal itself.

Pre-submission checks

Before you even consider submitting your manuscript, ensure that it aligns with the focus and scope of IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. Does it contribute something new to the academic conversation in your field? Make sure to undertake a pre-submission checklist to review items like:

  • Originality of research
  • Scholarly relevance
  • Compliance with ethical considerations
  • Appropriate citation and referencing

Thorough review of previous guidelines

This may seem redundant, but even experienced authors must review the article preparatory guidelines each time they prepare a manuscript for submission. This is because guidelines often undergo updates and revisions to reflect changes in scholarly communication and standards.

Manuscript formatting toolkits

The guidelines will typically provide you with tools like template files for Microsoft Word or LaTeX, which are pre-configured to meet the journal's specific formatting requirements. Using these tools can save you a significant amount of time and ensure that your document is formatted correctly.

Citation style and reference management

The journal requires that all submissions adhere to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) style for citations and references. In this digital age, numerous software programs can help manage and format references. Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote are popular choices that offer NLM as a citation style option.

Plagiarism checks

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Before submitting your manuscript, it is advisable to run it through a plagiarism detection software to ensure that all sources are appropriately cited, and the work is original.

Figures and tables

Graphics should be high-resolution and appropriately labeled. Tables should be used sparingly and only when necessary to support the research findings. All visual elements should be cited in-text and listed sequentially. Refer to the specific guidelines on dimensions, file types, and how to submit them as supplementary files.

Special characters and equations

In disciplines requiring the use of complex equations or special characters, attention must be given to ensuring that these elements display correctly. LaTeX is often preferred for mathematical and scientific documents for this reason.

Author metadata

Most manuscript submission systems will require additional metadata to be submitted along with your manuscript, including but not limited to:

  • Author names
  • Affiliations
  • Corresponding author's contact information
  • Keywords
  • Summary or abstract

Final pre-submission review

Before you click the submit button, revisit your manuscript for one final review. Double-check for any overlooked typos or omissions, ensure that all citations are accurate, and confirm that every element of your manuscript aligns with the journal’s guidelines.


The process of preparing a manuscript for submission to any academic journal is rigorous. When it comes to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal, the preparatory guidelines are not just a series of hoops to jump through but a pathway designed to enhance the quality, readability, and impact of your work. Your commitment to adhering to these guidelines ensures the integrity of your research and respects the considerable time and effort invested by editors and peer reviewers alike.

Therefore, a thorough review and strict adherence to our preparatory guidelines are essential for a successful submission. Not only do they speed up the review process, but they also make the work easier for everyone involved, thereby upholding the journal’s reputation for scholarly excellence.

By guiding authors through this meticulous process, we aim to provide a seamless editorial experience. We understand the immense effort invested in research and writing, and we strive to honor that through our commitment to publishing integrity and quality. Thank you for considering IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal as the right platform for your scholarly contribution.

Mandatory Submission List

When preparing your submission to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal, there are several components that are essential for a complete and thorough evaluation of your work. Failure to provide these elements may result in delays in the peer-review process or could potentially disqualify your submission altogether. Below is an exhaustive elaboration of each required element to guide you through the submission process.

Covering letter

The covering letter serves as a formal introduction between the author(s) and the editorial team. This is not just a formality; rather, it's an opportunity for you to explain the significance of your work and why it is a good fit for the journal. A well-structured covering letter should include the following:

  • Title of the manuscript: Clearly state the title.
  • Type of submission: Specify whether it's a Response Letter, Comment Letter, or Query Letter.
  • Significance: Briefly outline the impact of the work, its novelty, and why it's relevant to the field and to the journal's readership.
  • Declaration of exclusive submission: Affirm that the work has not been published elsewhere.
  • Declaration of conflicts of Interest: Declare any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Declaration of ethical compliance: State any ethical considerations, like human subject data.

Your covering letter should be succinct yet comprehensive, ideally not exceeding one page.

Manuscript including tables and panels

The manuscript is the core of your submission. Its preparation and formatting should comply with the guidelines mentioned earlier in this document. While the word limits vary based on the type of article—Response Letters, Comment Letters, or Query Letters—it should fit within the designated word count, inclusive of tables and panels if applicable.

  • Tables: Use tables for ease of understanding, particularly when presenting large sets of data or comparative information. They should be incorporated into the manuscript at the points where they are first referenced. Tables should also be clearly labeled and include explanatory footnotes if necessary.
  • Panels: Panels are less commonly used but may be necessary to explain complex algorithms, methodologies, or theoretical frameworks. Like tables, they should be inserted where they are first referenced, clearly labeled, and include any necessary explanatory text.


Visual representations can dramatically improve the readability and impact of your work. Figures should be in high resolution and in accepted formats like JPEG or TIFF. The inclusion of figures should serve a scholarly purpose and be referenced within the text of the manuscript. Each figure should have a descriptive caption.

Author statement form

The Author Statement Form is a mandatory component that authenticates the contributions of all authors involved in the manuscript. This should include:

  • Author contributions: Briefly outline each author's contribution. For example, Author A conducted the research, Author B analyzed the data, and Author C wrote the manuscript.
  • Final approval: All authors should confirm they have reviewed the final version of the manuscript.

Declarations of interests and source of funding statements

Transparency is crucial in scholarly publishing. This segment should include:

  • Conflicts of interest: Any affiliations, funding sources, or personal relationships that could be perceived to influence the work must be declared.
  • Source of funding: Explicitly state the source of funding for your research. This should include both the name of the funding body and the grant number, if applicable.

It's vital that you don't overlook any of these mandatory elements in your submission packet. Each has a specific role in facilitating a thorough and fair review of your work. They contribute to the transparency, validity, and ethical standing of your submission, criteria that are of utmost importance to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. As such, please ensure that each element is prepared meticulously and in accordance with the guidelines provided.

Exclusion of Large Language Models

The advent of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and GPT-4 has indeed revolutionized multiple industries, including publishing, by offering seemingly effortless content creation and editing tools. While their capabilities are indeed impressive, it's crucial to clarify that LLMs do not currently meet the authorship criteria for submissions to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. Here's an extensive discussion on why:

Definition of authorship

In academic publishing, authorship is conventionally attributed to individuals who have made substantial intellectual contributions to a study. These contributions often include tasks like conceptualization, methodology development, data collection, analysis, and writing. The ICMJE guidelines stipulate that for someone to qualify as an author, they must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

LLMs and intellectual contributions

LLMs can generate text based on the data they have been trained on, but they do not have the capability to engage in the intellectual processes required for academic authorship. They cannot conceptualize a research idea, develop a methodology, interpret data, or critically revise an academic article. Their operations are essentially based on algorithms that predict the next word in a sequence, without an understanding of the meaning, nuance, or implications of the content they generate.

Ethical implications

Allowing an LLM to be listed as an author poses ethical questions. For one, doing so could dilute the concept of 'authorship,' potentially devaluing the intellectual contributions of human authors. Furthermore, because LLMs do not have the ability to be accountable for the work they generate, including them in the authorship list would conflict with the principles of responsible authorship and could complicate matters related to accountability and integrity.

Data and reproducibility

LLMs do not possess the ability to validate the data or methods used in a study, nor can they ensure the reproducibility of the results. These are foundational elements of scientific research that contribute to its integrity and credibility.

Author accountability

A human author is accountable for their submission, capable of responding to peer reviewers' comments and making necessary revisions. In contrast, LLMs lack the capability for such intellectual engagement. They cannot respond to questions about research ethics, study limitations, or the broader impact of the research, as they do not possess understanding or awareness.

Originality and plagiarism concerns

LLMs generate content based on existing data, raising concerns about the originality of the content. While sophisticated algorithms attempt to ensure that generated text is not a direct copy of existing sources, the machine does not truly "understand" or "know" the content it generates, posing a risk for unintentional plagiarism.

Legal aspects

The intellectual property rights of an article often reside with the authors or the institutions they represent. LLMs, being non-human entities, cannot hold intellectual property rights. Including them as authors could lead to complex legal implications concerning ownership and responsibility.

Journal policy

Given all these complexities and limitations, IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal maintains a policy that LLMs cannot qualify for authorship. However, we acknowledge that LLMs could be used as tools for tasks like data sorting, preliminary analysis, or even drafting, as long as these activities are explicitly mentioned and supervised by qualified human authors who meet the journal's authorship criteria.


While LLMs offer a range of exciting possibilities for the future of research and academic writing, their limitations in understanding, ethics, and accountability make them unsuitable for authorship in academic publishing at this time. Authors should be aware of these limitations and comply with the established norms and ethical standards of scholarly publishing when using LLMs as ancillary tools.

By clearly setting forth this policy, IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal aims to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and rigor. We believe that a nuanced understanding of the role and limitations of technologies like LLMs is crucial for maintaining the quality and credibility of academic work.

In Summation

The following section elaborates on key aspects that authors need to focus on while preparing and submitting their manuscript for "Letters to the Editor" to IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal. This provides a comprehensive guide that could also serve as a quick checklist to ensure that the article conforms to all guidelines and policies, thus increasing its chances for acceptance.


By "Standards," we refer to the necessity of adhering to international ethical, scholarly, and editorial benchmarks set by organizations like the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Modern Language Association (MLA). Depending on your research field, conforming to these standards ensures that your work attains a universal quality and is accepted as a legitimate contribution to the scholarly community. This encompasses not just your research methods but also issues like plagiarism, data manipulation, and proper citation.

Manuscript organization

The organization of your manuscript is critical. The following sub-sections outline what is generally expected in various parts of your manuscript.

  1. Cover page: The cover page should contain the title, which must be concise yet informative, along with the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliations, and contact information. In the case of multiple authors, designate a corresponding author.
  2. Summary: Also commonly known as an abstract, this section should summarize your article's main points in 250-300 words. The aim is to give readers a quick overview of what to expect, helping them decide whether to read the entire article.
  3. Index terms: Here, you provide relevant keywords that will make your article more discoverable through search engines. The terms should be directly related to the core themes of your paper.
  4. Context: This is where you set the stage for your letter, offering the background information and outlining the reason for your correspondence. Be it a response, comment, or query, it is important to state why your letter deserves attention.
  5. Procedures: This section outlines the methods and approaches you have taken to construct your argument or seek clarification. Even if your letter is not a full-fledged research article, detailing your methods can lend weight to your claims.
  6. Outcomes: Present your findings or points in a logical, organized manner. This could be counterarguments to a previously published article, additional insights, or questions that you want to put forth.
  7. Analysis: In this section, interpret the outcomes or findings, connecting them to broader themes, theories, or debates. The aim is to justify your arguments or questions, reinforcing why they are of importance to the broader community.
  8. Closing remarks: Close your letter by summarizing your main points and suggesting future actions or recommendations. This could include calling for further research or suggesting modifications in existing theories or methodologies.
  9. Abbreviation list: If your letter uses numerous abbreviations, include a list to make it easier for readers to follow.


This section incorporates several important aspects that should not be overlooked.

  1. Ethical clearance: If your letter discusses original research, it is imperative that you have received approval from relevant ethical committees. Provide documentation to support this.
  2. Consent for release: If your letter includes patient or participant data, written consent is mandatory. Clearly state this in your manuscript and have documentation on hand.
  3. Data availability: Detail how the data supporting your claims can be accessed, if at all. In cases where data is sensitive, explain why it cannot be shared.
  4. Conflicting interests: Declare any conflicts of interest that might influence the editorial process or the perception of your letter.
  5. Financial support: Disclose any funding sources that have supported your research or writing process.
  6. Author involvement: Outline each author's role in the conception, execution, and writing of the letter.
  7. Gratitude: Acknowledge individuals, organizations, or institutions that have contributed to your work but do not meet the authorship criteria.
  8. Author bio (Optional): Some journals provide an option to include brief biographies for each author. This is usually limited to academic affiliations and key publications.

Ethical clearance

We reiterate the importance of having proper ethical clearance for research involving human or animal subjects. Include a statement that the study has been reviewed and approved, providing the name of the ethical committee and the approval code.

Consent for release

This pertains to the consent you have obtained for including data or samples from individuals or organizations. This is mandatory for case studies or research that uses identifiable information.

Data availability

Make it clear whether your data is accessible to other researchers and how they can access it, contributing to the transparency and replicability of your work.

Conflicting interests

Being transparent about any potential conflicts of interest maintains the integrity of your work and the editorial process. Even if you think a conflict of interest is minor, it is better to disclose it.

Financial support

Indicate whether your study received any funding and, if so, from which organizations. This may include research grants, equipment donations, or any other type of support.

Author involvement

Describe each author's contribution to the paper. This can include things like who performed the research, who analyzed the data, and who drafted and edited the manuscript.


Although it may not directly affect your paper’s scholarly impact, an acknowledgment section where you express gratitude for any non-authorial support can reflect well on your research practice.

Author bio

While optional, providing brief biographies can add context to the manuscript, particularly for cross-disciplinary works where understanding an author's background can be helpful.


Footnotes should be used sparingly and must not contain vital information that should be in the text.


The references you include should be formatted in accordance with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) style guide.

  1. Internet sources: Include the DOI, if available, or the URL along with the date of access.
  2. Citation example: Given the limitation in length, consult our website for examples of how to format citations in NLM style.

Visuals and additional files

Figures, tables, and additional files should not be embedded in the text but included separately. Refer to our detailed guidelines for formatting these elements.

Submit composition

Finally, after considering all the aforementioned points, authors can proceed to submit their manuscript. Ensure you have compiled all required files and documentation, as incomplete submissions will not be considered for review.

By paying heed to all these sections, authors can significantly increase their chances of a favorable review and eventual publication in IgMin Research – STEM | A Multidisciplinary Journal.