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Wancang Liu 編集者 at IgMin Research



Liu Wancang, male, graduated from Peking Union Medical College/Tsinghua University in 2015, and obtained a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Biochemical Pharmacy. He has been working at the Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences since graduation. During this period, he worked as a Postdoc Fellow at the National Institutes of Health for 2 years, with Professor Joseph Shiloach, the director of the Biotechnology Center at NIH. As of now, nearly 20 SCI papers have been published in journals such as nature communication, process safety and environment protection, critical reviews in biotechnology, etc. He has published 2 book chapters in English books. Six Chinese national invention patents have been issued for Dr. Wancang, as well as five funds financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China, etc...

Research Interest

Green Intelligent bio-production of key enzymes involved in the biothesis of natural products and active small molecules used in the clinical treatment