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Victor do Valle Midlej 編集者 at IgMin Research



Public Health Researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). He has a degree in Biological Sciences from Universidade Santa Úrsula (2007), a Master's and Doctorate in Morphological Sciences from the Institute of Biological Sciences/UFRJ with a sandwich period at the University of California at San Diego (Department of Pathology, Division of Infectious Diseases). He completed a postdoctoral degree at the Cellular Ultrastructure Laboratory of the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics (UFRJ) with an emphasis on the differentiation process of the Giardia intestinalis parasite.

He is currently head of the Structural Biology Laboratory (LBE) and teaching collaborator of the Postgraduate Programs in Parasitic Biology and Cellular and Molecular Biology, both at IOC/FIOCRUZ. He has experience in the area of Cellular Biology, with an emphasis on Parasitology, with specialization in Parasitology. mainly on the following topics: trichomonas, giardia, host-parasite interaction, cell differentiation and ultrastructure.

He has extensive experience in the area of electron microscopy and optical microscopy, is coordinator of the Rudolph Barth Electron Microscopy Platform at IOC and a member of the Brazilian Society of Microscopy and Microanalysis, coordinating courses, workshops and disciplines in the area of microscopy. He works as a pedagogical coordinator and professor at Universidade Santa Úrsula (USU), forming part of the teaching staff for health-related courses.

Research Interest

Cell Biology, parasites, protozoa, Ultrastructure