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Serhii Shevchenko 編集者 at IgMin Research

Our focus is on fostering synergy among fields and promoting the swift expansion of scientific understanding.


Serhii Shevchenko was born in 1961, graduated from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KhPI) in 1984 (specialty: "Hydraulic machines and means of automation").

In 1990, he defended his Ph. D thesis on the topic "Development and research of new designs of stuffing-box seals for NPP pumping equipment."

He worked in the research laboratory of machines’ vibration reliability at the theoretical mechanic's department of the Sumy branch of KhPI: as a research associate from 1984 to 1994 (as a junior researcher since 1986, as senior researcher since 1991), participated in the development for the Aircraft technology and NPP pumps.

Since July 2020, he has been a senior researcher at the G.E. Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPME).

His scientific activity is directed on the development of methods and means of centrifugal machines sealing and vibration reliability. In addition, he is developing a science-based methodology for creating 3D models and simulators based on them for use in a software and educational complex for training operational personnel of nuclear power plants.

Over the past 5 years, more than 40 scientific papers have been published in professional publications, including five scientific monographs, which are already used in the training of NPP pump maintenance specialists, in particular, at the Zaporozhe NPP Specialist Training Center, the South Ukraine NPP Training Center and in the educational process at Department of "Nuclear Power Plants" of the State University "Odessa Polytechnic".

Since 2020, he has been continuing fundamental and applied research in the field of automating the control of the modes of energy facilities and systems at the Institute for Modeling Problems in the Energy Sector G.E. Pukhov NAS of Ukraine. When performing work, he uses and develops the results of scientific research obtained in previous years.

In June, 2023 he has defended a thesis for a Doctor of Engineering degree named "Mathematical models of processes in sealing systems of centrifugal machines". The monograph "Sealing systems and dynamics of centrifugal machines" was published.

The monograph "Mechanical seals of power pumps" is being prepared for publication.

The area of S. Shevchenko's research related to the methods development of sealing theory and vibration reliability of centrifugal machines.


The methods development of sealing theory and vibration reliability of centrifugal machines.

Serhii Shevchenko



 Senior Researcher

 Sumy State University

 Department of simulation of energy processes and systems





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