Sergio Enrique Pinto Castillo He obtained the B.Eng. of Communications and Electronics Engineering Degree in the National Polytechnic Institute, in Mexico City, Mexico, 1992. He obtained his M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from National Center of Research and Technological Development (Cenidet), in Morelos, Mexico, in 2001. He also obtained his PhD. Degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK in 2012. He has been working with Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics and Robotics Applications since 2003.
Actually, he obtained the research sponsorships in order to develop the following research projects: Modeling and Control of a Container Cranes and Fault Tolerant Control. Systems Biologically Inspired Applied on Mechatronic Systems. He is currently the Director of Research, Development and Innovation of the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP), in the Republic of Panama. Also, He is working such as Lecturer at the “Universidad de Panama”, in the Republic of Panama.
He is the author of the following book: New fuzzy control architectures applied to industrial applications. His previous research interests were: Control Systems, Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. He current researches interest are: Control Systems, Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Intelligent Agents, Fault Tolerant Control Systems Biologically Inspired, Mechatronic, Robotic Systems, Maritime Industry Applications. He is developing the Project of the Fault Tolerant Control Systems Biologically Inspired applied to the Mechatronic Systems sponsored by the “Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT)”. Hi is the current Director of Research, Development and Innovation at the International Maritime University of Panama.
Control Systems, Fault Tolerant Control Systemas, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Artificial Intelligence

University of Panama
Department of Eletronic and Communication
IgMin 科目を探索する
- The Impact of Stress on Periodontal Health: A Biomarker-Based Review of Current Evidence
- Effect of Rainfall on Water Parameters in Recreational Lakes in Heidelberg, Germany
- Balancing Act: Exploring the Interplay Between Human Judgment and Artificial Intelligence in Problem-solving, Creativity, and Decision-making
- The Examination of Game Skills of Children Aged 5-6 Years Participating in Movement Education
- Efficient Room Temperature Ethanol Vapor Sensing by Unique Fractal Features of Tin Oxide
- Lunar-Derived Propellants for Fueling Mars-Bound Spacecraft in Cis-Lunar Space