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Roberto Rodrigues Ferreira 編集者 at IgMin Research



He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal Fluminense University(2012), a Master's degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute -FIOCRUZ (2014), and a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute- FIOCRUZ (Brazil) and Leiden University (Netherlands) (2019). Currently, he is substituteprofessor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and postdoctoral researcher at theLaboratory of Innovations in Therapies, Teaching, and Bioproducts, and the FunctionalGenomics and Bioinformatics Laboratory at IOC-FIOCRUZ.

He has experience in the field ofcellular and molecular biology, human genetics, parasitology, immunology, public health,scientific dissemination, and education, mainly focusing on the following topics: Trypanosomacruzi, Chagas disease, selenium, TGF-beta, fibrosis, and aptamers. In addressing COVID-19,he develops projects assessing genetic polymorphisms in patients, education, scientificdissemination, and epidemiological surveillance in communities with high socio-environmentalvulnerability and in schools.

Research Interest

Parasitology, genetics, immunology, education, cellular and molecular biology, and public health.