Minh Thu Nguyen is an expert in Environmental field with 20 years of academic working. She received his M.S and Ph.D degree (China) all in Environmental science. At present, she is working at a government office of natural resources and Environment, collaborating with many international organizations as well as journals.
Environmental science, Environmental pollution, Climate change, non-point source, Multiple objective optimizations, social network analysis, loss and damage, greenhouse gases inventory, spatial analysis, Vulnerable and Risk, air pollution, water pollution, wastewater pollution treatment, green energy, circular economy, geographic information system, environmental management.
Vietnam Institute of Meteorology Hydrology and Climate change
Environmental Science Research
IgMin 科目を探索する
- Use of Augmented Reality as a Radiation-free Alternative in Pain Management Spinal Surgeries
- Evaluating Digital Imaging Technologies for Anogenital Injury Documentation in Sexual Assault Cases
- Investigation of Lateral Vibrations in Turbine-generator Unit 5 of the Inga 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Biomimetic Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate in Bile in the presence of Amino Acids
- A Study to Determine the Reason for Lower Pregnancy Rates in Younger Women with Diminished Oocyte Reserve-less Chance of Implanting vs. Fetal Demise
- The Lukala Cement Plant's Life Cycle Analysis: Towards a More Sustainable Production