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Mikhailenko Ilya Mikhailovich 編集者 at IgMin Research



Mikhailenko Ilya Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Information and Measurement Systems of the Agrophysical Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. Mikhailenko I.M. is a prominent Russian cybernetics scientist with a very wide range of scientific interests. At the beginning of his scientific activity, Mikhailenko I.M. devoted to the study of heat and power supply systems of cities.

Developed the theory of management of district heating systems in large metropolitan cities. On this issue, he defended his doctoral thesis in technical sciences. During his work at the Agrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 2002 to the present), he developed the theoretical foundations for managing precision farming and precision animal husbandry systems. He developed such a new topical scientific direction as the use of aviation and space means of remote sensing of the Earth in agriculture. Mikhailenko I.M. is the author of a number of works in the field of intelligent control of agricultural technologies in precision farming.

Professor Ilya Mikhailenko is the founder and member of the editorial board of the new scientific journal Agrophysics, published in Russia for 10 years.

Research Interest

Technical cybernetics, control processes, control of centralized heat supply systems. management and control of agricultural technologies in precision farming, remote sensing of land in agriculture and precision farming, robotic technological agricultural machines, mathematical models in genetics