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Michel Salvator Israel 編集者 at IgMin Research



Membership of professional bodies: Bulgarian Society of Medical Physics and Engineering (BSBMPE); International Advisory Committee (IAC) of WHO; American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH); The Planetary Society; The Bulgarian Public Health Association (BPHA), IEEE – ICES Committee on EMF standards, European Union of Public Health Association (EUPHA).

Present positions: a) Professor at the Medical University of Pleven, Department of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Professional Diseases; b) Professor at the National Centre of Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA)

Key qualifications: Occupational health, medical physics (non-ionizing radiation), evaluation of environment impacts, biophysics, exposure and risk assessment, measurement and evaluation of physical factors in working and living environment, non-ionizing radiation health and safety, standards in the field of physical factors in working and living environment.

Research Interest

Non-ionizing radiation health and safety, physical factors: noise, vibrations, microclimate, measurements, exposure limits, risk evaluation