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Jalel Euchi 編集者 at IgMin Research



I am currently a faculty member at the Department of Econ.Qua. Methods and Informatics, ISGIS, Sfax University, Tunisia. I received my Ph.D. In 2011 in computer science, in the field of optimization and Transportation problems from Sfax university in Tunisia and LeHavre university in France.M.Sc. in 2007 in Operational Research and Production Management from the University of Sfax in Tunisia. B.Sc. in 2005 in Operational Research from the University of Sfax, Tunisia. I am also an associate researcher in OLID Laboratory, Sfax university, Tunisia.

I published extensively in reputed journals like 4OR, IJOR, Energy reports, Logistics, Energy Systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Swarm and evolutionary Computation, Management Decision, JORS, Vehicular Communications. I am a referee of many journals published by Springer, IEEE, Taylor and Elsevier publishers. I am a life member of Operational Research Society of Tunisia. My primary research interests include complex vehicle routing problems, heuristics and meta-heuristics algorithms to solve the NP-Hard problems, computational operations research, decision making, and logistics research and supply chains.

Research Interest

Operations Research, stochastic/distributed optimization, Environmental impacts of transport, Economic Transportation, Logistics, routing and scheduling, heuristics and metaheuristrics. Currently, I am interesting in varies approaches to deep and machine learning (CNN, GAN, Deep Bayesian Learning, etc.) and their applications to transport (Electric vehicles, drones, etc.).