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Indra Neel Pulidindi 編集者 at IgMin Research



Dr Indra Neel Pulidindi is currently working as scientific consultant at JSCIAR, India. He has worked as an assistant professor in G S F C University, India. from 19th September 2022 to 18th October 2023.  Dr Neel has published 48 research papers, 1 patent, 4 patent applications, 5 books, 1 ebook, 7 book chapters, 5 ebook chapters.  

Dr Neel has guided several Ph D, masters, undergraduate and freshmen in their academic research curriculum and helped them to earn their degrees.  He worked in the laboratory of Professor Xinling Wang at Shanghai Jiao Tong University during 2019-2021, on Carbon fiber reinforced composite materials.  

From 2016-2017, he worked in the laboratory of Professor Tae Hyun Kim at Hanyang University and made systematic studies on biomass composition analysis and conversion of biomass to biochemicals. He worked in the laboratory of Professor Aharon Gedanken from 2010 to 2016 in Israel and worked on biomass conversion to biofuels and biochemicals.

He received his Ph D degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in the year 2010 under the supervision of Professor T K Varadarajan and Professor (Em) B Viswanathan. Dr Neel has been a dynamic researcher and teacher all through his career thus far.

Research Interest

Materials science; Catalysis; Energy sources; Biofuels; Sonochemistry.

Indra Neel Pulidindi


Work Details

 Scientific Consultant

 Jesus’ Scientific Consultancy for Industrial and Academic Research

 Department of Chemistry






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