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Fanglong Yao 編集者 at IgMin Research



Fanglong Yao received the B.Sc. degree from Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China, in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree from the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2022. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher and assistant professor with the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include cognitive intelligence, embodied intelligence, and swarm intelligence, including aerospace spatiotemporal data analysis; Multimodal fusion and reasoning; Embodied intelligence and multi-agent learning. He is the reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) and Artificial Intelligence Review. He has received Best Researcher Award of International Research Awards on Network Science and Graph Analytics (2023), Chinese Academy of Sciences President's Excellence Award (2022), National Scholarship (2021), Graduate Forum Report Excellence Award (2021).

Research Interest

Spatiotemporal data analysis and computer vision; Multimodal fusion and reasoning; Embodied intelligence and multi-agent learning