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Bright O. Okonkwo 編集者 at IgMin Research



Bright O. Okonkwo is, at present, an Associate Researcher at Institute of Corrosion Science and Technology, Guangzhou, China. He carried out his Postdoctoral research work at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea. 

Bright O. Okonkwo has a Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering from the Institute of Metal Research, University of Science and Technology of China, China. Prior to that, he got his Master’s degree in Physical Chemistry from the University of Calabar, Nigeria.

His research efforts are focused on understanding the mechanism, inhibition and modelling of corrosion processes, environmental pollution, degradation and remediation, materials synthesis, materials characterization and mechanical property investigation of structural materials. 

He is a co-author of 1 textbook and has published over 20 well-cited articles in international peer-reviewed Journals in nuclear materials characterization, materials corrosion, materials protection/coatings, and environmental degradation and remediation.

Research Interest

My research interest is on the structural integrity and protection of several industrial materials, such as, stainless steels, low alloy steel, zirconium, titanium and nickel-based alloys. My research also focuses on electroplating of metallic/bimetallic coatings, and development of new materials for high temperature environments and nuclear waste storage material. My core background is on electrochemistry.