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Baoming Wang 編集者 at IgMin Research



Baoming Wang, male, born in 1972, professor, PhD, PhD supervisor, director of the Building Materials Institute at Dalian University of Technology, and deputy director of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstrating Centre of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering. He won successively the Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan, the Renowned Teachers in Liaoning Province Award, and the Hundred Talents Program of Liaoning Province.

In 2021 and 2022, he was selected into the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University. His research interests focus on the area of high-performance cement-based composites and the recycling of industrial solid wastes. He has published over 150 journal articles,  4 academic monographs, and 4 translations drafted 4 standards (including national and provincial levels), and has been authorized 15 patents. And, his research was supported continuously by over 50 fund programs involving Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Natural Science Foundation project, the National Science and Technology Support Project, and so on.

Research Interest

1. High performance cement-based composites; 2. Recycling of industrial solid wastes.