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Bao Yi 編集者 at IgMin Research



Bachelor degree in Biotechnology from Shandong Normal University (2009);

PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from China Agricultural University (2014);

Assistant researcher at Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2015-2017);

Visiting scholar in Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University (2018);

Associate researcher at Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2017-Present).

For the purposes of livestock efficient and healthy breeding, her research focused on the effects of environmental factors (harmful gases, such as, ammonia) in houses on the health breeding (such as, growth performance, meat quality) of livestock and environmental control. Another research interest is antibiotics alternatives because of antibiotic forbidden as growth promoters in feed. Besides, for the high-efficient utilization of feed composition, functional bacteria strains from Chinese pig breed are isolated and investigated.

Research Interest

Health breeding, Gut microbiota and intestinal health, Precision livestock farming, Animal nutrition and environmental control.