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Amneh Mohammad Q. Abdel Rahman Shtaiwi 編集者 at IgMin Research



Amneh Shtaiwi has been assistant professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Middle East University – Jordan, since 2019. And visiting researcher in University of Eastern Finland, Finland & University of Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco since 2022. She graduated in computational chemistry – drug design from Universiti Sains Malaysia and obtained her PhD degree in Physical Chemistry/drug design in 2018. The main research interests of Dr. Shtaiwi cover computational chemistry, medicinal chemistry, bioinformatics, molecular modelling and drug design problems. The results from these studies have been the objects of many scientific publications in international journals.

Research Interest

Molecular modelling, Drug design, Virtual screening, Molecular modelling, Drug-target interactions, and Investigation of various inhibitors (Anti-cancer, Anti-bacterial agents and Anti-Alzheimer’s)