Auxological Status of Modern Primary School Students of Nizhny Novgorod Region
Educational Science Biology受け取った 29 Mar 2024 受け入れられた 10 Jul 2024 オンラインで公開された 11 Jul 2024
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受け取った 29 Mar 2024 受け入れられた 10 Jul 2024 オンラインで公開された 11 Jul 2024
The article describes the characteristics of the resulting effector auxological morpho-functional status of primary school students, differentiated by gender and administrative-territorial characteristics.
The objectives of the study included studying the auxological status of children adolescents, and primary school students in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the context of the peculiarities of the exoenvironment of residence in urban and rural areas.
Materials and methods: Own data served as a source of anthropometry and physiometry indicators of the objective population of the region.
The analysis of anthropological indicators was carried out by discretizing data sets that state an objective picture of auxological indicators at the regional level, taking into account the peculiarities of anthropogenic loads characteristic of the place of residence of the observed population groups.
To quantify the values and statistical differences in indicators by age, gender, and administrative characteristics, the median, standard deviation, and criteria were used: Fisher, Wilks, and Mahalanobis, with an error of differences at p < 0.05.
Results: The stability of the age-sex evolution of auxological indicators is shown; the age-sex and territorial dimorphism of total body sizes is shown at 7-10 years of age, with residents of rural areas lagging in the observed indicators.
Hemodynamic indicators in both boys and girls significantly prevail among students living in the metropolis relative to their rural counterparts, except diastolic blood pressure.
Variance analytics shows differences in the distributions of anthropometry and hemodynamics, both by age and by the urbanization factor at p < 0.001.
In the observed age period, at the initial stage, hemodynamic indicators act primarily as modifiers of the metropolis and rural groups. From the age of ten, according to the standardized coefficients of discriminant functions, according to the first canonical variable, the division of series also occurs according to anthropometric characteristics, among which the greatest contribution to the division of groups is made by body weight and body length, and the hemodynamic characteristic - diastolic blood pressure - has also proven to be decisive.
Conclusion: Primary school students living in rural areas and in the metropolis of the Nizhny Novgorod region determine the observed indicators ambiguously; if residents of the metropolis state greater results for all observed auxological indicators, then rural peers demonstrate, while lagging in all observed indicators, greater indicators of diastolic blood pressure, which suggests a strain on adaptation mechanisms central character.
The expediency of studying the basic patterns of age-related variability of the human population as a whole, solving one of the most pressing problems of auxology, has been repeatedly emphasized by the founders and leading representatives of both Russian and European human science, put forward by the British anthropologist, auxologist John Tanner, which involves the study of age-related variability in growth and development of children and adolescents under the influence of environmental factors [
- ].Conducting research – observing the patterns of growth processes, their mathematical modeling, description, and interpretation; individual and population monitoring of growth processes as a reflection of living conditions, including in aspects of the level of urbanization of the habitat, is the key to a better understanding and explanation of the growth processes of micro populations and the population as a whole, as a reflection of living conditions within the range [
- ].The development of models, approximations, and theoretical hypotheses that serve to better understand and explain growth processes includes the results of extensive longitudinal and cross-sectional experimental studies, measurement programs, and monitoring, followed by comparative analysis and presentation of modern assessment material [
- ].Physiological adaptation is a set of physiological reactions that underlie the body’s adaptation to changing environmental conditions and aimed at maintaining the relative constancy of its internal environment - homeostasis. The search for hygienic criteria for assessing the effectiveness of educational technologies from the point of view of preserving the health of children during schooling shows the high information content of indicators of children’s physical development [
, , ].The study of modern children was carried out over the 2022/23 academic year. Schoolchildren from the Nizhny Novgorod region took part in the observation; primary schoolchildren living in rural areas acted as the experimental group (n = 1396 viz., boys: 711, girls: 685). The control group was a representative group of peers in the metropolis of Nizhny Novgorod, studying in grades 1-3 (n = 1104 viz., boys: 535, girls: 569).
The main anthropological parameters of the auxological status of the morphofunctional adaptation of children are considered: anthropometric or total body dimensions - body length (BL), body weight (BW), chest circumference (CHC); physiometric or hemodynamic - systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP; DBP), heart rate (HR).
The formation of combination tables and statistical data processing were carried out in the Microsoft Access 2019 database management system using the Biostatics v statistical application programs. 4.03, Statistica v.6.0.
To quantify the values and statistical differences in indicators by age, sex, and administrative characteristics, the median (Me), standard deviation (±σ), degree of freedom (ss), Pearson correlation coefficient (r), Fisher criteria (F), Wilkes lambda (λU), Mahalanobis (D2). Differences were considered statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05 [
, ].Anthropometry indicators or total body sizes in children of primary education or the first age group of 7-10 years do not go beyond the regional age-ash standard [
]. With a more in-depth examination of the characteristics of anthropometry and hemodynamics in children, in the gradation of areas of residence with varying degrees of urbanization, it was revealed that children living in rural areas are significantly (at p < 0.05) inferior to their peers in the metropolis. In terms of body length, boys aged 7-10 years are lower in the range of 0.5% - 2.2%, the increase from seven to 10 years was 15.7 and 14.4 centimeters, respectively, in rural areas the increase was 1.3 cm more. Analysis of variance also shows significant differences (at p < 0.001) in favor of boys in the metropolis.In terms of body weight, a tendentious predominance of the indicator was revealed at all ages, except for the age of eight, where rural boys are ahead of urban boys by 0.7 kilograms or 2.5%.
The values of the chest circumference indicator in urban people were ahead of the indicators of rural peers at the age of seven, tendentiously by 1.6% and at the age of nine and by 2.1% (at p < 0.05) significantly. At eight and ten years old, rural boys were ahead of urban boys by 0.2% - 1.1%. Variances based on age and level of urbanization are significantly different (at p < 0.001) in favor of maturation in the first case and heterochronicity of growth processes in the second.
Girls in the experimental group or living in rural areas are inferior in body length and weight to urban girls at all observed ages by 1.1% - 1.6% and 2.4% - 4.7%, respectively; these differences are significant at the age of eight and ten characters (at p < 0.01) in terms of body length and are insignificant in terms of body weight, and only at nine years old are women of the same age in the village ahead of city girls by 0.1% in length and 3.1% in body weight, only tendentiously.
Chest circumference indicators in rural girls are 0.2% - 1.0% less at the trend level up to the age of eight. At nine years of age, priority goes to rural children; they are larger by 2.1% (at p < 0.05) and tendentiously by 0.2% at ten years. Analysis of variance showed differences in distributions, both by age and by the urbanization factor (at p < 0.001), thereby characterizing them as significant (Table 1).
Psychometric indicators of hemodynamics in comparison of the experimental and control groups (Me±σ) revealed higher absolute values of systolic blood pressure among peers in the metropolis. The range of priority is expressed as 1.8% - 7.5%, except for the age of ten, this difference is significant, with p < 0.01. Also, rural children showed significantly lower heart rate values from 1.6% to 9.3% at p < 0.01, in contrast to the trend at the age of seven.
Diastole showed higher values in rural boys, their values were higher in the range of 7.1% - 13.7%, significantly higher at p < 0.01, except for the trend at the age of seven.
Girls, like boys, demonstrate a congruent pattern, i.e. an increase in hemodynamic indicators in urban relative to rural ones in terms of systole and pulse, and also an increase in diastolic blood pressure in rural relative to urban ones.
Analysis of variance showed differences in the distributions of hemodynamic parameters, both by age and by the urbanization factor (at p < 0.001), thereby characterizing them as significant (Table 2).
Correlations of the observed indicators revealed the following patterns of interdependence depending on the place of residence: the largest statistically significant correlation is shown between body length and weight - for boys 0.73/0.76 and 0.69/0.71 for girls, between body weight and chest circumference 0.88/0.92 and 0.85/0.90, which characterizes body weight as a determining factor in ascertaining individual and group anthropometry indicators.
Hemodynamic parameters revealed more moderate correlations both with anthropometric characteristics and among themselves, at the level of significant, medium, and weak correlations.
It is indicative that in urban children these connections are for the most part closer and more conditioned among themselves in the context of anthropometry and weaker in the context of hemodynamics. This indicates more intense interactions between these systems of the children’s bodies under the pressure of urbanization (Table 3).
To identify an objective picture of the genesis of anthropological, auxological (anthropometric, psychometric-hemodynamic) components included in the standard group of indicators of physical development, defined by the tradition of pediatrics and hygiene, a series of multivariate analysis (canonical discriminant analysis) was carried out.
Time series of the root of the first canonical variable KP-1, graded by age from 7 to 10 years of age, for boys and girls, show:
- For boys of seven to eight years of age, based on the standardized coefficients of discriminant functions, according to the first canonical variable (CP-1), the division of the series occurred according to hemodynamic characteristics, whereas at seven years these are boys with reduced systolic and increased diastolic, and at eight years, vice versa. At nine years of age, heart rate is added as a significant group separator. At the age of ten, anthropometric characteristics are added as a group modifier: at one extreme there are boys with increased body weight, decreased chest circumference values, and increased systolic blood pressure and pulse with simultaneously decreased diastolic pressure. The differences in this context between boys living in the metropolis and the village are statistically significant at p < 0.001 and objectively high values of Mahalanobis distances (D2 = 2.375) (Table 4).
- For girls of seven to eight years of age, standardized coefficients of discriminant functions of canonical variables showed a division of series according to hemodynamic characteristics, where at seven years these are girls with reduced systolic and increased diastolic, at eight years of age, on the contrary, with lower diastole and increased systole (with D2 = 2.43; p < 0.001). However, in girls, already at the age of nine, the anthropometric indicator - chest circumference - is added as a significant separator of groups. At the age of ten, both anthropometric and hemodynamic characteristics act as a group modifier: at one pole there are girls with increased body weight, a narrowed or racialized chest circumference, with increased systolic blood pressure and pulse with simultaneously decreased diastolic pressure. The differences in this context between girls living in a metropolis and a village are statistically significant at p < 0.001 and objectively high, representative (D2 = 2.396) values of the Mahalanobis distances (Table 4).
Thus, an analysis of the main parameters of the auxological status of rural and urban children of primary school age showed that, in general, the indicators are consistent with the modern regional standard of physical development of children and adolescents.
However, rural children of primary education, for the most part, at the level of patterns, differ from their urban peers in terms of total body size in terms of shorter height and light weight, increased chest circumference in boys only at the age of eight and ten years, in girls at the age of nine and ten years.
Rural children have lower systolic and higher diastolic blood pressure. At the same time, their heart rate is in a more optimal range and also differs in the direction of underestimation relative to students in the metropolis.
In rural children, a significant increase in diastole relative to rural children may indicate the assumption of a more intense and ergotropic process of adaptation of the functions of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system, with subsequent sympathetic manifestations of body functions.
Multivariate intergroup, discriminant canonical analysis revealed that from the point of view of functions, the hemodynamic sign, in particular diastolic blood pressure, shows itself to be decisive throughout the entire period of second childhood or primary education, while the division of series according to anthropometry signs begins to occur only from the age of ten and the greatest Contribution to the separation of groups, ranked, is made by body mass and length.
Bunak VV. The influence of ontogenesis stages and chronological boundaries of age periods. Modern pedagogy. 1966;(11):105-110.
Bogin B, Varela-Silva MI. Leg length, body proportion, and health: a review with a note on beauty. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 Mar;7(3):1047-75. doi: 10.3390/ijerph7031047. Epub 2010 Mar 11. PMID: 20617018; PMCID: PMC2872302.
Hermanussen M, Assmann C, Godina E. WHO versus Regional Growth Standards. International Scientific Conference Growth Charts: Local versus International? Counted versus calculated. Vilnius. 2009;18.
Tanner JM, Hayashi T, Preece MA, Cameron N. Increase in length of leg relative to trunk in Japanese children and adults from 1957 to 1977: comparison with British and with Japanese Americans. Ann Hum Biol. 1982 Sep-Oct;9(5):411-23. doi: 10.1080/03014468200005951. PMID: 7137939.
WHO Global Schools Initiative: Schools for Health. WHO/HPR/HEP/98.4. Geneva: WHO; 1998.
Baranov AA, Kuchma VR, Skoblina NA. Physical development of children and adolescents at the turn of the millennium. M: Scientific Center for Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 2008; 216.
Gudkova LK. Anthropological aspects of human population physiology. Biol Sci M. 2000;52.
Bogomolova ES. Hygienic justification for monitoring the growth and development of schoolchildren in the “health – habitat” system: abstract of thesis. Dis. Dr. Honey. Sciences. 2010;44.
Khrisanfova EH, Perevozchikov IV. Anthropology. 2nd M: Moscow University Publishing House; 1999; 00.
Kalyuzhny EA. Morphofunctional state and adaptive capabilities of students in educational institutions in modern conditions: Dis. Dr. Biol Sciences. 2015;305.
Godina EZ, Miklashevskaya NN. The influence of urbanization on growth processes in children and adolescents. In: Alekseeva TP, Belokon LS, Godina EZ, editors. Urban ecology. M: Nauka; 1990;92-102.
Estimated centile tables of standards for physiological indicators, physical, psychological development of children, adolescents, conscripts, youth, and adults of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 315-795/22P/od dated September 16, 2022.
Bogomolova ES, Kuzmichev YG, Badaeva TV. Physical development of modern schoolchildren in Nizhny Novgorod. Medical almanac. 2012;(3):193-198.
Deryabin VE. Multidimensional biometrics for anthropologists. M: Publishing house Mosk. Univ. 1983;226.
Glanz S. Medical and biological statistics. M: Praktika; 1998;459.
Aleksandrovich KA, Vasilievna MU, Sergeevna BO, Anatolyevna GA, Andreevna PU, Sergeevna BA. Auxological Status of Modern Primary School Students of Nizhny Novgorod Region. IgMin Res. Jul 11, 2024; 2(7): 570-575. IgMin ID: igmin219; DOI:10.61927/igmin219; Available at: igmin.link/p219
Address Correspondence:
Kalyuzhny Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Privolzhsky Research Medical University” of the Federal Health Service of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Email: [email protected]
How to cite this article:
Aleksandrovich KA, Vasilievna MU, Sergeevna BO, Anatolyevna GA, Andreevna PU, Sergeevna BA. Auxological Status of Modern Primary School Students of Nizhny Novgorod Region. IgMin Res. Jul 11, 2024; 2(7): 570-575. IgMin ID: igmin219; DOI:10.61927/igmin219; Available at: igmin.link/p219
Copyright: © 2024 Aleksandrovich KE, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bunak VV. The influence of ontogenesis stages and chronological boundaries of age periods. Modern pedagogy. 1966;(11):105-110.
Bogin B, Varela-Silva MI. Leg length, body proportion, and health: a review with a note on beauty. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 Mar;7(3):1047-75. doi: 10.3390/ijerph7031047. Epub 2010 Mar 11. PMID: 20617018; PMCID: PMC2872302.
Hermanussen M, Assmann C, Godina E. WHO versus Regional Growth Standards. International Scientific Conference Growth Charts: Local versus International? Counted versus calculated. Vilnius. 2009;18.
Tanner JM, Hayashi T, Preece MA, Cameron N. Increase in length of leg relative to trunk in Japanese children and adults from 1957 to 1977: comparison with British and with Japanese Americans. Ann Hum Biol. 1982 Sep-Oct;9(5):411-23. doi: 10.1080/03014468200005951. PMID: 7137939.
WHO Global Schools Initiative: Schools for Health. WHO/HPR/HEP/98.4. Geneva: WHO; 1998.
Baranov AA, Kuchma VR, Skoblina NA. Physical development of children and adolescents at the turn of the millennium. M: Scientific Center for Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 2008; 216.
Gudkova LK. Anthropological aspects of human population physiology. Biol Sci M. 2000;52.
Bogomolova ES. Hygienic justification for monitoring the growth and development of schoolchildren in the “health – habitat” system: abstract of thesis. Dis. Dr. Honey. Sciences. 2010;44.
Khrisanfova EH, Perevozchikov IV. Anthropology. 2nd M: Moscow University Publishing House; 1999; 00.
Kalyuzhny EA. Morphofunctional state and adaptive capabilities of students in educational institutions in modern conditions: Dis. Dr. Biol Sciences. 2015;305.
Godina EZ, Miklashevskaya NN. The influence of urbanization on growth processes in children and adolescents. In: Alekseeva TP, Belokon LS, Godina EZ, editors. Urban ecology. M: Nauka; 1990;92-102.
Estimated centile tables of standards for physiological indicators, physical, psychological development of children, adolescents, conscripts, youth, and adults of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 315-795/22P/od dated September 16, 2022.
Bogomolova ES, Kuzmichev YG, Badaeva TV. Physical development of modern schoolchildren in Nizhny Novgorod. Medical almanac. 2012;(3):193-198.
Deryabin VE. Multidimensional biometrics for anthropologists. M: Publishing house Mosk. Univ. 1983;226.
Glanz S. Medical and biological statistics. M: Praktika; 1998;459.