Contribution to the Knowledge of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan
Taxonomy Biosphere InteractionsZoology受け取った 26 Mar 2024 受け入れられた 16 Apr 2024 オンラインで公開された 17 Apr 2024
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受け取った 26 Mar 2024 受け入れられた 16 Apr 2024 オンラインで公開された 17 Apr 2024
The present study is based on the examination of specimens housed in different museums and collections, including those of Lianghong Bin (China), Bernd Jaeger (Germany), Saeed Azadbakhsh (Iran), Alexander Anichtchenko (Latvia), Martin Hackel (Czech Republic), Ron Felix (Germany), and the first author (ZACP). A preliminary survey was randomly conducted in various areas of Pakistan from 2016 to 2023. A precise investigation revealed 17 subspecies and 36 species within 31 genera, distributed across 12 subfamilies in the family Carabidae. This survey also documented twenty-three new records for the country, expanding our understanding of their distribution. All determinations presented here are confirmed and validated by Löbl & Löbl (2017). Subfamily Harpalinae tribe Anthiini with 02 species Anthia (Anthia) sexguttata mannerheimii, A. (A.) sexguttata sexguttata Brachininae with 03 species Brachinus (Aploa) nobilis Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) catoirei, P. (S.) lissoderus, P. stenoderus. Subfamily Broscinae with 01 species Broscus punctatus. Subfamily Carabinae with 07 species Carabus (Imaibius) caschmirensis fortetuberculatus, C. (I.) wittmerorum, Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum andrewesi, C. (C.) maderae indicum, C. (C.) imbricatum imbricatum, C. Calosoma (Compalita) Olivieri, C. (Calosoma) scabrosum roeschkei. Subfamily Dryptinae, Dryptini with 01 species Drypta (Drypta) lineola virgata, tribe Galeritini with 04 species records Planetes bimaculatus, Zuphium (Zuphium) olens olens, Galerita indica, Ophionea (Ophionea) indica. Subfamily Harpalinae with 03 species Idiomelas fulvipes indus, Metacolopodes buchanani, Microlestes discoidalis, tribe Chlaeniini with 12 species Chlaenius (Amblygenius) atripes, C. (A.) bengalensis, C. (A.) cookie, C. (A.) Chlaenius (Amblygenius) quadricolor orientalis, C. (Pachydinodes) hamifer, C. (P.) pictus, C. (P.) posticus, C. pretiosus, C. (Chlaenites) spoliatus spoliatus, Harpaglossus opacus, H. (Cryptophonus) tenebrosus, H. (Pseudophanus) meridianus, tribe Cyclosomini with 03 species records, Masoreus (Masoreus) orientalis orientalis, Caphora afghani, Tetragonoderus (Tetragonoderus) lindemannae, tribe Licinini with 06 species record, Diplochiela (Diplocheila) laevigata, Glycia spencei, Eucolliuris fuscipennis, Platytarus faminii faminii, Syntomus lateralis lateralis, Trichis maculata. Subfamily Melaeninae with 03 spies, Cymbionotum (Cymbionotum) striatum, C. Cymbionotum candidum, C. semelederi, tribe Panagaeini with 03 species Microschemus flavopilosus, M. arabicus, Craspedophorus elegans. Subfamily Harpalinae with 01 species Sphodrus leucopthalmus. Subfamily Scaritinae, Scaritini with 02 species Scarites (Scallophorites) guineensis, S. (Scarites) procerus eurytus, subfamily Siagoninae with 01 species Siagona dilutipes and subfamily Trechinae, Bembidiini with 01 species Bembidion (Notaphocampa) niloticum niloticum.
The family Carabidae comprises thirty-two subfamilies with approximately 40,000 species, out of which 35,000 species have been described [
, ]. Ground beetles are always an important part of ecosystems as ecological indicators and have various effects on the predation of pests. They exhibit remarkable richness, and therefore, many studies have been conducted on the abundance and ecological aspects of these ground beetles in tropical regions. Andrewes [ , ] listed many species from the Indian subcontinent, including Ceylon and Burma, but none from Pakistan. In India, some inventories were carried out with ecological notes [ , ]. Several taxonomic works have been conducted in the Palaearctic and Oriental regions [ - ]. Jedlicka (1963) made a major contribution to the study of ground beetles from East Asia. Kirschenhofer and coworkers have made various attempts at systematics and synonymies of Chalaenini from the Oriental and African regions [ - ].The carabid fauna of Pakistan is poorly known. Hashmi and Tashfeen [
] listed 210 species of Carabidae from Pakistan, housed in four museums in Pakistan. However, this list has a 70% taxonomic error rate in systematic position and validity, with specimens retained in the museum. Additionally, the presence of these species in the museums, particularly those housed in the Karachi National Museum, is uncertain, as the absence of a curator casts doubt on their status. Notably, Pheropsophus sabrinus and Ph. sobrinus were listed separately, while in Ullah, et al. [ ], Ph. hilaris sobrinus is considered a valid subspecies. Recent studies have highlighted the biodiversity abundance, richness, and evenness of some species in Azad Kashmir [ , ]. Ahmed and Kabir [ ] described Itamus castaneus as a new record for the country. Jaeger & Ahmed [ ] conducted an inventory of the tribe Stenolophina from Pakistan, listing species with their current status and validity. Azadbakhsh and Rafi [ ] listed 38 species of ground beetles from materials deposited in the National Insect Museum, Pakistan. Ullah, et al. [ ] reported ten species of the tribe Brachinini from northern Pakistan, with four species as new records for the country. They also proposed a new combination for one species. Ullah, et al. [ ] studied Chlaeniini of Pakistan, listing 32 species, with 16 species reported for the first time from Pakistan.All species were collected from various regions of Pakistan, especially the upper region of Sindh Province and the Thar Desert. These areas exhibit great diversity and abundance of ground beetles, particularly those attracted to light after rainfall. The upper part of Sindh Province features a vast expanse of agricultural fields, including maize, banana, and sugarcane, along with highways, resulting in a significant number of insects being obtained. Many more species of ground beetles are awaiting exploration in these areas.
The study materials were collected annually from various regions of Pakistan by different collectors, including the first author. The specimens were deposited in the Zoological Museum at Fuuast, Karachi, Pakistan, and the first author’s collection (ZACP). Identifications were carried out by various experts specializing in different groups of Carabidae, as mentioned in the acknowledgements. The present study is based on the examination of specimens housed in different museums and collections, including those of Lianghong Bin (China), Bernd Jaeger (Germany), Saeed Azadbakhsh (Iran), Alexander Anichtchenko (Latvia), Martin Hackel (Czech Republic), Ron Felix (Germany), and the first author (ZACP). All determinations were confirmed and validated by Löbl & Löbl [
].The study comprises 17 subspecies, and 36 species with 23 new records indicating that precisely searching all habitats can increase the biodiversity fauna of the country (Figure 1, Table 1).
Family Carabidae Latreille 1802
Subfamily Harpalinae Bonelli, 1810
Anthiini Bonelli, 1813
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Punjab Province, Rahim Yar Khan, Cholistan desert (coordinates: 28.336374, 70.737431), 13.vii.2011, leg; Zubair;
Remarks: This subspecies was reported from Iran and Turkmenistan [
]. Hackel and Farkac [ ] listed this subspecies from Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithrio Bhatti (coordinates: 24.763454, 69.892772).
Remarks: This subspecies was reported from Asia including Pakistan [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species from Pakistan.Subfamily Brachininae Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, Kotli, Village Roli (coordinates: 33.505196, 73.906823).
Remarks: The species are distributed in North Africa and Asia. In Asia, the species are distributed in Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan (coordinates: 35.849087, 74.734673).
Remarks: Löbl & Löbl [
] listed from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Kotli, Azad Kashmir, Damol (coordinates: 33.492883, 73.917205).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan by Löbl & Löbl [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtun-khwa, Lower Dir (coordinates: 34.872384, 71.747955).
Remarks: This species is not mentioned in the Catalogue of Löbl & Löbl [
].Subfamily Broscinae Hope, 1838
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Balochistan Province,
Nushki, Balochistan (coordinates: 29.550023, 66.033995).
Remarks: This species was reported from North Africa and Asia by Löbl & Löbl [
].Subfamily Carabinae Latreille, 1802
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, Rawlakot (coordinates: 33.858504, 73.770353).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan by Löbl & Löbl [
]. It was collected from Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir in dead form. Panin Ruslan also indicated C. I. barysomus and caschmirensis but in the catalogue, later species is more reliable as tubercles are found on the body.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Shangla (coordinates: 34.890306, 72.601120).
Remarks: Löbl & Löbl [
] reported this subspecies from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Wejhiar (coordinates: 24.990073, 70.193348).
Remarks: Löbl & Löbl [
] did not report this subspecies in the catalogue.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Balochistan Province, Nushki (coordinates: 33.994992, 73.383779).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed Calosoma indicum and Calosoma maderae separately.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar (coordinates: 24.707351, 70.177582).
Remarks: This subspecies was reported from Saudi Arabia and Yemen by Löbl & Löbl [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dera Ismail Khan, Dahoter Adda (coordinates: 31.989014, 70.972574).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Balochistan Province, Nushki (coordinates: 29.573011, 65.986125).
Remarks: This subspecies was formerly named as C. orientale Hope, 1831 but Hackel, et al. [
] synonymized some species of Calosoma and the species C. orientale has been changed. The Catalogue of Lobl & Lobl [ ] did not report this subspecies.Subfamily Dryptinae Bonelli, 1810
Dryptini Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.848656, 68.132323).
Remarks: This subspecies was reported from Pakistan by Löbl & Löbl [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species as D. lineola from Pakistan.Galeritini Le Conte 1853
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tando M. Khan (coordinates: 25.136728, 68.545308).
Remarks: The species distributed in Arunachal Pradesh [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.840658, 68.110892).
Remarks: This species was reported from Europe, North Africa and Asia including Pakistan [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species as Z. olens from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Lower Dir, Bandagai (coordinates: 34.787449,
Remarks: This species is reported from Asia as Hindustan [
]. Borislav Gueorgulev suggested this species should be G. indica or probably G. ruficeps (personnel communication). Ron Felix suggested as G. orientalis (personal communication).Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.846960, 68.113693).
Remarks: Hashmi & Tashfeen [
] listed Cosnoidea indica, but this species was reported from Asia except Pakistan [ ].Subfamily Harpalinae Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtun-khwa, Hafizabad (coordinates: 32.065141, 73.704510).
Remarks: This species was reported from Nepal only [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mahalore Khawria (coordinates: 24.696048, 69.965287).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species as Colpodes buchanani from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Village Tando M. Khan (coordinates: 25.124363, 68.549682).
Remarks: Löbl & Löbl [
] reported from Iran, Afghanistan, Oman, Turkemanistan, Yemen.Chlaeniini Brulle, 1834
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dera Ismail Khan, Bilot Sharif (coordinates: 32.243162, 71.164421).
Remarks: This species is not included in the Catalogue of Löbl & Löbl [
]. Ullah, et al. [ ] reported from Pakistan as the new record.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.837090, 68.131691).
Remarks: The species listed are from Asia [
]. Erich Kirschenhofer identified this species (personnel communication).Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Dane Jo Goth (coordinates: 24.591358, 70.676742).
Remarks: This species is not listed in the catalogue by Löbl & Löbl [
], Alexander Anichtchenko identified this species, also one specimen of this species is retained in Saeed Azad Bakhsh, Iran.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Pilu (coordinates: 24.655688, 70.574333).
Remarks: This species is reported from Pakistan [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed the species Chlaenius quadricolor from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithi (coordinates: 24.745248, 69.816273).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dera Ismail Khan, Dayal Rd (coordinates: 31.900197, 70.907896).
Remarks: This species was reported from Asia [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dera Ismail Khan (coordinates: 31.899554, 70.894592).
Remarks: This species was reported from Asia including Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Nagarparkar (coordinates: 24.365644, 70.751907).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
] but not listed in the catalogue by Löbl & Löbl [ ].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Balochistan Province, Nushki (coordinates: 29.569178, 65.989942).
Remarks: The subspecies distributed in Europe and Asia including Afghanistan, China, Cyprus, East Siberia, Far East, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lebonan, Mongolia, Syria, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and West Siberia [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Nangarparkar (coordinates: 24.368486, 70.755206).
Remarks: Löbl & Löbl [
] did not list this species. Ullah, et al. [ ] reported this species from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithi (coordinates: 24.675028, 69.782552).
Remarks: This species is reported from Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithrio (coordinates: 24.690873, 69.967640).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Cyclosomini Laporte, 1834
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.851427, 68.123419).
Remarks: The species distributed in North Africa and Asia including Iran, India, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan and Yemen [
]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species as Masoreus orientalis from Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.846634, 68.135523).
Remarks: This species was reported from Afghanistan only [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tando M. Khan (coordinates: 25.127535, 68.550250).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
]. However, the patches on apices of elytra show variable marks in some species.Licinini Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dera Ismail Khan, Hafiz Abad, Khaki (coordinates: 32.077828, 71.034322).
Remarks: This species was reported from Asia [
].Lebiini Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithi (coordinates: 24.742221, 69.808648).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.847685, 68.137008).
Remarks: The species distributed in China, Japan and Taiwan [
]Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 6.832258, 68.110708).
Remarks: The subspecies distributed in Europe, North Africa and Asia including Cyprus, Iraq, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.849837, 68.114656).
Remarks: This species was reported from the Nearctic and Asia [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.847167, 68.131989).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Subfamily Melaeninae Csiki, 1933
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.844978, 68.135186).
Remarks: The locality of this species is not mentioned in the Catalogue by Löbl & Löbl [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tando M. Khan (coordinates: 25.133894, 68.549435).
Remarks: This species was reported from Pakistan [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tando M. Khan (coordinates: 25.120837, 68.551680).
Remarks: This species was reported from Europe, North Africa and Asia [
].Tribe Panagaeini Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.851508, 68.141002).
Remarks: The species is reported from Asia, but there is a question mark ahead of Pakistan in the catalogue prepared by Hackel and Kirschenhofer, a part of Panageini. When I sent this material to Hackel in 2014, he then inserted it. However, Hackel and Azadbakhsh [
] argued that this species is still unknown in Pakistan.Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Lower Dir, Village Munda (coordinates: 34.874818, 71.749574).
Remarks: This species is known from Pakistan and Nepal [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Mithi (coordinates: .861757, 69.919740).
Remarks: This species is described as new from Iran by Hackel and Azadbakhsh, [
]. The western Palaearctic region encompasses desert regions of India, Iran and Africa, therefore transitional species could be possible.Subfamily Harpalinae Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Balochistan Province, Sibi, Mir Chakir Road (coordinates: 29.551231, 67.897450).
Remarks: The species are distributed from the West Palaearctic region to Europe [
].Subfamily Scaritinae Bonelli, 1810
Scaritini Bonelli, 1810
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar, Islamkot Rd (coordinates: 24.726309, 69.835020).
Remarks: This species was reported from Asia [
].Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Tharparkar (coordinates: 24.746728, 69.789779).
Remarks: The species distributed in Europe, North Africa and Asia including Pakistan [
].Subfamily Siagoninae Bonelli, 1813
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.840574, 68.135375).
Remarks: This species is distributed in Himachal Pradesh and Pakistan [
].Subfamily Trechinae Bonelli, 1810
Bembidiini Stephens, 1827
Distribution in Pakistan. Pakistan, Sindh Province, Noshehroferoze (coordinates: 26.840745, 68.099704).
Remarks: This species is distributed in Asia Minor. In the last catalogue by Lorenz, B. niloticum and B. batesi are considered different species, with batesi being synonymized with B. opulentum (Personal communication with Alexander Anischenko). This species is distributed in Europe, North Africa, and Asia [
- ]. Hashmi and Tashfeen [ ] listed this species as B. niloticum from Pakistan.The ecozone of Pakistan encompasses all biodiversity hotspots, with the majority of areas cultivating a variety of cereals, crops, and fruits on both large and small scales. While the lower part of Sindh Province, along the sea belt, may not have as much agricultural importance, the upper Sindh Province is known for its high yields of major crops. The western part of Sindh Province exhibits a great diversity of insects, especially in the transitional belt between India and Pakistan, which is a vast desert with a complex and specific fauna. A similar situation is observed in Nushki, Balochistan, which is surrounded by huge sandy mounds like a red desert and mountains connected to the borders of Afghanistan. The western Palaearctic zone extends and overlaps on several points from Afghanistan and Iran, bounded by geographical barriers restricting species within certain limits.
As for the species and numbers known from Pakistan, the present work comprises a large number of taxa identified by world authorities in their expertise, with many species retained in their hands or museums. Most species are still awaiting determination by experts, which could increase the number of species in the fauna of Carabidae of Pakistan in the future.
We are indebted to Lianghong Bin (China), Alexander Anisctchenko (Russia), Saeed Azadbakhsh (Iran), Borislav Gu, Riccardo Sciaky, Ron Felix, Martin Hackel, Erich Krischenhofer, and Panin Ruslan for their valuable comments and assistance in species determination.
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Kirschenhofer E. Eine neue Chlaenius-Art der Untergattung Chlaenioctenus Bates, 1892 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Chlaeniini) aus Thailand. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 2018.; 72: 23-27.
Kirschenhofer E. Ergänzungen zur Bestandsaufnahme der Chlaeniini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) aus Mali, 3. Teil. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 70: 1-5. Kirschenhofer, E. 2018. Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810 (Coleo ptera: Carabidae) aus Indien und Uganda. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 2018; 70: 1-8.
Kirschenhofer E. Chlaeniini aus Mali 1. Teil: Genus Callistoides Motschulsky, 1865 und Paracallistoides Basilewsky, 1965 (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Mitt. internat. entomol. Ver. Band 41 Heft ¾: 2018; 79-84.
Hashmi AA, Tashfeen A. Coleoptera of Pakistan. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology. 1992; 12:133-170.
Ullah M, Naeem M, Mahmood K, Rafi M. Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan. Zootaxa. 2017; 4232(2):173-184.
Rahim J, Khan MR, Nazir N. Systematic and abundance of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from District Poonch, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 2013; 6(2): 24-29.
Rahim J, Khan MR, Ghaffar MA, Nazir N. Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from district Poonch, Azad Kashmir. Pakistan J.Zool. 2013; 45(5):1463-1467.
Ahmed Z, Kabir T, Akhter MA. First record of Itamus castaneus Schmidt-Goebel, 1846 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae) for Pakistan. Arquivos Entomoloxicos. 2014; 12: 227-228.
Jaeger B, Ahmed Z. Preliminary checklist of the Stenolophina species of Pakistan (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Stenolophina). Linzer biol. Beitr. 2017; 49/1: 609-617.
Azadbakhsh S, Rafi MA. Checklist of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). 2017.
Ullah M, Naeem M, Mahmood K, Garner B. Addition to the knowledge of tribe Chlaeniini Brull, 1834 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan. Zootaxa. 2022; 5115(4): 451-486.
Löbl I, Löbl D. Archostemata-Myxophaga-Adephaga. Revised and updated edition, Volume 1. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. 2017;1477.
Jedlička A. Monographie der Truncatipennen aus Ostasien. Lebiinae-Odacanthinae -Brachyninae (Coleoptera, Carabidae). – Entomologische Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden. 1963; 28 [1962 - 1964]: 269–579.
Anichtchenko A, Kirschenhofer E. New synonymy, combinations and country records in Carabidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera). Baltic J. Coleopterol. 2018; 22(2): 479-482.
Chaudhry GU, Chaudhry MI, Khan SM. Survey of insect fauna of forests of Pakistan. Final Technical Report. Biological Sciences Research Division. Pakistan Forest Institute. Peshawar. 167pp. deposited in National Insect Museum of Pakistan, Oriental Insects. 1966; 1-8.
Ahmed Z, Lalika HA, Khatri I, Kirschenhofer E. Contribution to the Knowledge of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan. IgMin Res. 17 Apr, 2024; 2(4): 236-244. IgMin ID: igmin171; DOI: 10.61927/igmin171; Available at: igmin.link/p171
1Department of Zoology, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
2Department of Entomology, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
3Department of Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan
410-12, A 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Address Correspondence:
Eric Kirschenhofer, 10-12, A 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria, Email: [email protected]
How to cite this article:
Ahmed Z, Lalika HA, Khatri I, Kirschenhofer E. Contribution to the Knowledge of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan. IgMin Res. 17 Apr, 2024; 2(4): 236-244. IgMin ID: igmin171; DOI: 10.61927/igmin171; Available at: igmin.link/p171
Copyright: © 2024 Ahmed Z, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Kirschenhofer E. Eine neue Chlaenius-Art der Untergattung Chlaenioctenus Bates, 1892 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Chlaeniini) aus Thailand. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 2018.; 72: 23-27.
Kirschenhofer E. Ergänzungen zur Bestandsaufnahme der Chlaeniini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) aus Mali, 3. Teil. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 70: 1-5. Kirschenhofer, E. 2018. Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810 (Coleo ptera: Carabidae) aus Indien und Uganda. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 2018; 70: 1-8.
Kirschenhofer E. Chlaeniini aus Mali 1. Teil: Genus Callistoides Motschulsky, 1865 und Paracallistoides Basilewsky, 1965 (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Mitt. internat. entomol. Ver. Band 41 Heft ¾: 2018; 79-84.
Hashmi AA, Tashfeen A. Coleoptera of Pakistan. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology. 1992; 12:133-170.
Ullah M, Naeem M, Mahmood K, Rafi M. Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan. Zootaxa. 2017; 4232(2):173-184.
Rahim J, Khan MR, Nazir N. Systematic and abundance of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from District Poonch, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 2013; 6(2): 24-29.
Rahim J, Khan MR, Ghaffar MA, Nazir N. Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from district Poonch, Azad Kashmir. Pakistan J.Zool. 2013; 45(5):1463-1467.
Ahmed Z, Kabir T, Akhter MA. First record of Itamus castaneus Schmidt-Goebel, 1846 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae) for Pakistan. Arquivos Entomoloxicos. 2014; 12: 227-228.
Jaeger B, Ahmed Z. Preliminary checklist of the Stenolophina species of Pakistan (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Stenolophina). Linzer biol. Beitr. 2017; 49/1: 609-617.
Azadbakhsh S, Rafi MA. Checklist of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). 2017.
Ullah M, Naeem M, Mahmood K, Garner B. Addition to the knowledge of tribe Chlaeniini Brull, 1834 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan. Zootaxa. 2022; 5115(4): 451-486.
Löbl I, Löbl D. Archostemata-Myxophaga-Adephaga. Revised and updated edition, Volume 1. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. 2017;1477.
Jedlička A. Monographie der Truncatipennen aus Ostasien. Lebiinae-Odacanthinae -Brachyninae (Coleoptera, Carabidae). – Entomologische Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden. 1963; 28 [1962 - 1964]: 269–579.
Anichtchenko A, Kirschenhofer E. New synonymy, combinations and country records in Carabidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera). Baltic J. Coleopterol. 2018; 22(2): 479-482.
Chaudhry GU, Chaudhry MI, Khan SM. Survey of insect fauna of forests of Pakistan. Final Technical Report. Biological Sciences Research Division. Pakistan Forest Institute. Peshawar. 167pp. deposited in National Insect Museum of Pakistan, Oriental Insects. 1966; 1-8.