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Medicine Group Review Article 記事ID: igmin282

Preventing Chronic Pain: Solutions to a Public Health Crisis

Public Health DOI10.61927/igmin282 Affiliation


    1University of Minnesota, HealthPartners Institute, and Minnesota Head and Neck Pain Clinic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    2DABIHM, NBC-HWC Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    3Neurology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Pain and Rehab Medicine Bethesda, Maryland, USA

    4University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Minneapolis, USA

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Chronic pain is the top reason to seek care, the top cause of disability and addiction, and the primary driver of healthcare utilization. More than half of the persons seeking care for pain conditions at 1 month still have pain 5 years later despite treatment due to lack of training patients in reducing the many patient-centered risk factors that lead to delayed recovery, chronic pain, and in some cases, addiction. Chronic pain has emerged as a significant public health crisis, affecting millions worldwide and leading to considerable personal and societal burdens. Defined as pain lasting longer than three months, chronic pain can stem from various conditions, including myofascial pain, joint and skeletal disorders, neuropathic conditions, and headaches, among others. The widespread prevalence of chronic pain affects not only the individuals who suffer from it but also their families, workplaces, and healthcare systems. Understanding the multifaceted nature of chronic pain and exploring evidence-based solutions are crucial for mitigating its impact and improving individual and societal health outcomes. A solution to this crisis is to integrate prevention training and support for patients with pain conditions to reduce the risk factors that drive chronic pain and implement protective self-care actions that heal pain conditions. Prevention programs are greatly needed to be reimbursed and easily integrated into routine care similar to blood studies, urinalysis, and imaging. This paper describes the characteristics and implementation of prevention programs to prevent chronic pain and its consequences.



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