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要約 at IgMin Research


Biology Group Short Communication 記事ID: igmin253

Quantum Perception and Quantum Computation

Quantum Chemistry Affiliation


    Astroparticle and Cosmology, UMR 7164CNRS, Paris Cité University, F-75013 Paris, France


Quantum theory has led to the development of quantum technology and also advances in quantum technology further enhance our understanding of quantum theory. Among these technologies, quantum computing holds special importance as it is based on the quantum states concept, known as qubits or qudits. To advance quantum computation, it is crucial to deepen our understanding of quantum field theory. In this letter, we define quantum understanding as the first step towards this goal. Transitioning from classical to quantum perception is essential, as maintaining a classical viewpoint introduces numerous challenges in building a quantum computer. However, adopting quantum thinking mitigates these difficulties. This letter will first introduce quantum perception by examining the process of classical understanding and how this new approach to thinking transforms our perspective of nature. We will discuss how this shift in thinking provides a better conceptual understanding of the realization of quantum technology and quantum computing.



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