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科学、技術、工学、医学(STEM)分野に焦点を当てています | ISSN: 2995-8067  G o o g l e  Scholar

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要約 at IgMin Research


Biology Group Review Article 記事ID: igmin224

Relationship between Sustainable Development, Economy and Poverty

Ecosystem Resilience Sustainable ChemistryAnthropology Affiliation


    Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, University of Cádiz (UCA), Spain

    Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, University of Cádiz (UCA), Spain

    PhD in Health Sciences. Professor of Environment and Health at the University of Cádiz (UCA), Spain


Throughout this document, the opportunity is provided to show the relationship between sustainable development and economic growth, focusing on their definitions, their disparity, and their consequences, at the same time it gives us a vision of the evolution of the importance of economic development and of their inability to solve the problem of poverty.
The satisfaction of the needs of the human being, would go through seeking a balance between economic growth, care for the environment, and social welfare, a breakdown of this balance has put into question the traditional model of economic development, in which they raise fundamental questions where the very accumulation of wealth creates poverty.
The bibliographic search carried out has led us to obtain a series of conclusions on the proposed terms, in which a robust social solidarity economy would lead us to the eradication of poverty.
This work takes us to a reflection on the sustainability of natural resources, the viability of the economic development model, and its rate of growth in a context of globalization in which localities are left behind, but without being forgotten, although they have no involvement in models that meet their development needs.



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