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General-science Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin213

Physical Activity and Lifestyle of Female Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów (Poland)

Applied Sciences Community HealthPsychiatry DOI10.61927/igmin213 Affiliation


    1EURO-MED. Ltd., Home Rehabilitation, Tychy, Poland

    2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow; Department of Anthropology, University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland

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Introduction: Physical activity is a natural need of every human being, brings significant health benefits, and adapts the body to exertion. Lifestyle is based on conscious choices that affect health. Health-promoting activities such as regular physical activity, healthy and wholesome meals, adequate recovery, and stress reduction in daily life minimize the risk of future behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Physical Activity (PA) and lifestyle of female students of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at the Tarnow University of Applied Sciences surveyed in February and March 2023. Among other things, the time, frequency, and places of physical activity were investigated, and did the physical activity and lifestyle of female students differ according to the field of study undertaken and between first- and fourth-year physiotherapy students?
Methods: The survey was conducted among 167 female students of physiotherapy, physical education, nursing, and cosmetology at the FHS. Using a diagnostic survey, a questionnaire survey was conducted, the research tool was a survey questionnaire of our design, which included questions on physical activity, lifestyle, and sociodemographic data.
Results: The results indicate that the female students led active and healthy lifestyles. The vast majority, more than 90%, of the female students surveyed were aware of how physical fitness and their health-promoting activities, as well as knowledge related to these issues, would be important in their future profession. Regarding the field of study and the physical activity undertaken, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was shown, it was the female students from physical education who were the most active among all women.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the chosen field of study influences the declared health-promoting behavior of female students and that the physical activity undertaken and the healthy lifestyle are related to the choice of future profession, while the field of study and the year of the study did not differentiate the lifestyle of female students.



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