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94 of 180
Dimensioning of Splices Using the Magnetic System
Ryszard Błażej, Leszek Jurdziak, Agata Kirjanów-Błażej, Paweł Kostrzewa and Aleksandra Rzeszowska
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Modeling of Cr3+ doped Cassiterite (SnO2) Single Crystals
Maroj Bharati, Vikram Singh and Ram Kripal

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Engineering Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin206

On how Doping with Atoms of Gadolinium and Scandium affects the Surface Structure of Silicon

Materials Science Electronics DOI10.61927/igmin206 Affiliation


    Egamberdiev BE, National University -affiliated Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics, Tashkent, 100057, Republic of Uzbekistan, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

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The experimental team has developed a technology of step-by-step low-temperature diffusion doping of gadolinium and scandium into silicon that allows the clusters of impurity atoms to be uniformly distributed throughout the entire bulk of the silicon material. It was shown that, unlike the samples obtained under the high-temperature diffusion doping technology, in the samples obtained under the novel technology the team had detected any surface erosion or formation of alloys and silicide in the near-surface region. The authors have revealed increased thermostability and radiation resistance of silicon samples dotted with clusters of impurity atoms of gadolinium and scandium.
The authors have conducted comprehensive studies by using the techniques of tagged atoms, autoradiography, measurement of conductivity and Hall effect, isothermal relaxation of capacitance and current of diffusion, solubility, and electrophysical properties of scandium in silicon under various doping conditions and for a wide temperature range (1100 ÷ 1250 0С). Diffusion parameters, solubility and acceptor nature of scandium in silicon as well as thermal stability of silicon doped with gadolinium and scandium impurity atoms have been established.



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    3. Egamberdiev BE, Iliev KhM, Nasriddinov SS, Toshev AR, Zoirova ME. Photoelectric properties of silicon-based solar cells implanted with rare earth elements. Conference. Russia. Vladivostok. 2006; 204-208.
    4. Egamberdiev BE. Mallaev AS. Silicon silicide structures based on ion doping. T.:ed. "Science and Technology". 2019; 168с.
    5. Egamberdiev BE, Rakhmanov AT. Study by the ROP method of the distribution profile of ion-implanted iron atoms in silicon.Science and world. 2018;1:1(53);с.57-60.
    6. Egamberdiev BE, Rakhmanov AT, Mallaev AS, Rozikov S. Research by method of Rutherford backscannering distribution of ion-implanted atoms of Fe in Si. Science and world. 2018; 1(53):1; 57-60.
    7. Miquita DR, Paniago R, Rodrigues WN, Moreira MV, Pfannes H-D, Oliveira AG. Growth of (3-FeSi2 layers on Si(lll) by solid phase and reactive deposition epitaxies. Thin Solid Films. 2005;493:30-34.
    8. Egamberdiev BE, Mallaev AS, Toshev AR. Features of the electronic structure of ion-implanted Ni, Fe, and Co layers in silicon. Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya. Rossiya [International Conference], Russian, Tomsk. 2009;77-80.
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    10. Bagraev NG, Romanov VV. Magnetism of AIIIBV crystals doped with rare elements. FTP. 2005;39(10):1173-1182.
    11. Abdurakhmanov BA, Egamberdiev BE, Iliev KhM, Tachilin SA, Toshev AR. The influence of silicon-germanium microheterojunctions on the parameters of silicon solar cells. J Electron Mater Process. Moldova. 2010;(5):124-126.
    12. Gavrilov G, Krivchitch A, Lebedev V. Application of nuclear reaction. Analysis for aging investigations of detectors. Nucl Instr Meth A. 2003;515:108-117.
    13. Egamberdiev BE, Iliev KhM, Tachilin SA, Toshev AR. Radiation stability of silicon solar cells doped with holmium. XI International Conference "Solid State Physics". Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. June 9-12, 2010.
    14. Daliev KhS, Dekhkanov MSh, Erugliev UK, Norkulov ShB, Ergashev ZhA. Capacitive spectroscopy of defects in silicon doped with gadolinium atoms. Phys Semicond Microelectron. 2019;1(01):15-17.
    15. Zhuravel LV, Latukhina NV, Blytushkina EYu. The influence of doping with rare earth elements on the structure of the surface layer of silicon. Izv Univ Mater Electron Technol. 2004;(3):72-74.
    16. Latukhina NV, Volkov AV, Zhuravel LV, Lebedev VM. The role of microdeformations during pore formation in silicon doped with rare earth elements. Proc Third Int Sci-Tech Conf "Metalphysics, Mechanics of Materials, Nanostructures and Deformation Processes" Metaldeform-2009. Samara. 2009;1:30-34.
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    20. Latukhina NV, Volkov AV, Zhuravel LV, Lebedev VM. The role of microdeformations during pore formation in silicon doped with rare earth elements. Proc Third Int Sci-Tech Conf "Metalphysics, Mechanics of Materials, Nanostructures and Deformation Processes" Metaldeform-2009. Samara. 2009;1:30-34.
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