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要約 at IgMin Research


Science Group Short Communication Article ID: igmin205

The Reference Book of the Neology of the Spanish Language

Linguistics Affiliation


    University of The Bahamas, Bahamas


This text presents a review of a fundamental book for the study of the neology of the Spanish language. This is a work published in 2022 to cover a space that had not been covered and that seeks to respond in a single work to the fundamental aspects according to its authors of the field of linguistics in charge of the creation of new terms and language evolution.



    1. Guerrero-Ramos Gloria. "New orientations of terminology and neology in the field of lexical semantics. Magazine of Hispanic Philology. 2017; 33(3):1385-1415.
    2. Rauhut, Marika. Neology and dictionary: regarding the registration of new lemmas in update 23.2. of the twenty-third edition of DEL. Master in Language and Literature (Theorical and Applied Linguistics). Spain: University Islas Baleares. 2019.
    3. Kobchenko K, Kuzmenko K. Modern approaches to philological studies: collective monograph. Ukraine: Lviv-Toruń, Liga-Pres. 2020.
    4. Guerrero-Ramos Gloria. Terminology, neology and translation. Spain: Comares Editorial. 2021.
    5. Cervantes Institute. Spanish Report Living Language. Spain. 2023.
    6. Real Academia Española (RAE). May, 2024.
    7. Maxbuba Z. “Pedagogical neology: A comprehensive review and implications for education”. International Journal of Pedagogics. 2023;3(5):161-168.
    8. Bernal E, Freixa J, Torner S. The neology of Spanish. From use to dictionary. Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert. 2022. ISBN 978-8491922681