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Diagnostic Challenges in Pancreatic Tumors
Ionuţ Simion Coman, Elena Violeta Coman, Costin George Florea, Teodora Elena Tudose, Cosmin Burleanu, Anwar Erchid and Valentin Titus Grigorean
76 of 132
Examining the Causal Connection between Lipid-lowering Medications and Malignant Meningiomas through Drug-target Mendelian Randomization Analysis
Liantai Song, Xiaoyan Guo, Wenhui Zhang, Mengjie Li, Xinyi Wu, Ziqian Kou, Yuxin Wang, Zigeng Ren and Qian Xu

要約 at IgMin Research


Science Group Opinion Article ID: igmin186

The Comprehensive Regeneration Approach as a Framework for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity

Biodiversity Affiliation


    The Royal Commission for AlUla, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Several national and international frameworks have been developed to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and help address the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises. These frameworks provide the targets against which locally applicable action plans can be created. The Royal Commission for AlUla and the IUCN have developed Comprehensive Regeneration as the framework of nature-positive initiatives and as a model for the responsible development of AlUla County in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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