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System for Detecting Moving Objects Using 3D Li-DAR Technology
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Engineering Group Review Article 記事ID: igmin166

Qualitative Model of Electrical Conductivity of Irradiated Semiconductor

Materials Science Biomedical EngineeringEnergy Systems DOI10.61927/igmin166 Affiliation


    Levan Chkhartishvili, Department of Engineering Physics, Georgian Technical University, 77 Merab Kostava Avenue, Tbilisi, 0160, Georgia, Email: [email protected]

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There is constructed a qualitative model of the electrical conductivity of semiconductors irradiated with sufficiently high-energy particles. At certain conditions (irradiation temperature and dose, and subsequent thermal treatment), high-energy particles fluence, in addition to primary and secondary point radiation defects, forms a number of nano-sized disordered regions, highly conductive (“metallic”) compared to the semiconductor matrix. Their high total volume fraction can lead to the charge major carriers’ effective Hall mobility significantly exceeding that of the matrix. Due to elastic stresses created by these disordered inclusions, a high concentration of point radiation defects tends to form defective shells. In certain temperature ranges, such nanosized core-shell structures act as capacitors storing the electric charge sufficient for the Coulomb blockade of the major current carriers. Transformation of high-conductive inclusions into low-conductive (“dielectric”) ones manifests in a noticeable decrease in effective Hall mobility. The proposed model qualitatively explains all the experimental data available on single-crystalline n- and p-type silicon irradiated with high-energy electrons and protons and isochronously annealed.



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