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Engineering Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin152

Development of a Mechanical Seal Closed Design Model

Information Technology Mechanical Engineering DOI10.61927/igmin152 Affiliation


    Serhii Shevchenko, Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering, General Naumov Str. 15, 03164 Kyiv, Ukraine, Email: [email protected]

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The operating experience of mechanical seals shows that as a result of angular deformations of the rings, the wear of the contact surfaces along the radius is uneven. When designing mechanical seals, it is necessary to calculate the amount of expected leakage through the seal, friction power consumption, as well as the possible durability of the unit. These calculated dependencies and estimates are obtained based on the constructed mechanical seal model. In the area of hydrodynamic load support in the case of a confusor joint or a converging film, the slope of the pressure diagram is such that a decrease in the film thickness increases the hydrodynamic support. This is referred to as enabling stable non-contact sealing operation. The execution of the rubbing surfaces of the interface of the end pair should ensure the formation of the calculated confusor shape of the sealing gap in all modes of operation and axisymmetric pressure fields during the rotation of the rotor.



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    8. Shevchenko SS, Shevchenko OS, Vynnychuk S. Mathematical Modelling of Dynamic System Rotor-Groove Seals for the Purposes of Increasing the Vibration Reliability of NPP Pumps. Nuclear and Radiation Safety. 2021; 1(89):80–87.
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    30. Shevchenko S, Chernov A. Development of pulse mechanical seal calculation methods on the basis of its physical model construction. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020; 3(2 (105)): 58–69.
    31. Shevchenko S. Computational method for mechanical seal as a dynamic system. Electronic modeling. 2020; 45(5): 66–81.





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