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Engineering Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin151

From Traditionalism to Algorithms: Embracing Artificial Intelligence for Effective University Teaching and Learning

Educational Technology Artificial Intelligence DOI10.61927/igmin151 Affiliation


    Abdulrahman M Al-Zahrani, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Email:

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The current study examines the impact of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education in Saudi Arabia, specifically focusing on the roles of university teachers and students’ learning outcomes. It investigates the transformation of teaching practices, and the challenges faced by university teachers during AI integration, and identifies opportunities for collaboration and innovation. A quantitative research method using a survey questionnaire was employed to gather data and inform practical recommendations. The findings indicate that university teachers recognize the potential benefits of AI in education, but also highlight the need to address challenges for effective implementation. Participants perceive AI as a tool that enables more creative and engaging teaching methods, automates tasks, and brings about changes in teaching approaches. Difficulties in utilizing AI effectively and adapting to new teaching methods were identified. AI also offers opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and creating engaging learning environments. There were slight variations in perspectives based on gender and current role, with female university teachers and teaching assistants/professors perceiving higher impact and opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Participants with higher AI expertise perceived a greater impact of AI and fewer challenges. Those who aligned with the educational purposes of AI saw greater impact and opportunities for collaboration while acknowledging usage difficulties.


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