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Engineering Group Review Article 記事ID: igmin145

The Conceptual View of the Department of Combat use of Communication Units on the Creation of a Training Game Complex for Training Military Specialists on the Basis of Leadership

Educational Technology Information TechnologyCybersecurity DOI10.61927/igmin145 Affiliation


    1Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units, Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, Kyiv, Ukraine

    2PhD, Head of the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units, Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Today’s cadet leader is tomorrow’s officer, a professional capable of integrating knowledge and solving complex problems in a full-scale war with incomplete information, being a leader and authority for the personnel. Most of the time, cadets study in study groups using traditional technology, which is not enough to form a professional cadet leader. With the advent of computer technology, students’ and cadets’ motivation to learn using traditional teaching methods has paradoxically begun to decline rapidly. The problem of the quality of training of military specialists for the needs of communication and cybersecurity units is not reflected in the publications reviewed. However, significant progress has been made in the use of computer technology as the basis of training tools for ground forces units. Similar training complexes are actively used in NATO member states in the military education system in the training of air force pilots (navigators). Therefore, the author chose the improvement of the educational process at the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units in combination with the methodology of professional-business game for the development of a cadet leader in professional training courses (L-1B) of the tactical level of military education as the direction of research. The purpose of the study and the article is to substantiate the conceptual view of the department in the need to build a computerized training complex for training officers of leaders in professional training courses (L-1B) of the tactical level of military education, capable of using communication units based on computer games. Fragments of the game mechanics of stimulating the interest and motivation of cadets to study, for example, electronic shooting range, and learning Morse code, are considered. Game mechanics is a proof of a professional business game in the course of the discipline: Combat use of military communication systems and complexes of the course of professional military education (professional course of tactical level L1B).



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