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Engineering Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin132

Methodology of the Professional-Business Game for the Development of a Cadet Leader in Professional Training Courses (L-1B) of the Tactical Level of Military Education

Educational Technology Automation and Control SystemsSignal Processing DOI10.61927/igmin132 Affiliation


    Igor Kozubtsov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units, Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, Kyiv, Ukraine, Email: [email protected]

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The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for a professional-business game for the development of a cadet leader in professional training courses (L-1B) of the tactical level of military education on the example of teaching the discipline “Combat use of military communication systems and complexes”. After all, the most important prerequisite for the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a comprehensively trained officer-leader, his consciousness, knowledge, skills, military-technical qualifications, creative and innovative activity, developed emotional and volitional sphere of the psyche, beliefs, motivation, and ideals. The article summarizes the research on the state of development of a cadet leader in Ukraine. In the context of a full-scale war, there is a need to strengthen the development of the personality of a cadet leader (a future officer of the tactical level of military education). Today’s cadet-leader is tomorrow’s officer-leader, capable of integrating knowledge and solving complex problems in new or unfamiliar environments with incomplete or limited information, being a leader and authority for the personnel. Therefore, the scientific and practical task arises to consider aspects of the development of the personality of a cadet leader and to modernize the process of his development, for example, in the courses of professional military education L-1B (tactical level of military education) in terms of the disciplines of the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units. The periodization of cadets’ adaptation to the new educational space and service activities is considered, the optimal period of leader growth is determined, and the mechanism itself is proposed. The article separately identifies the key tasks for the selection of academic staff and admission to the educational process. The methodology of the professional and business game for the development of a cadet leader in professional training courses (L-1B) of the tactical level of military education is developed on the example of teaching the discipline “Combat use of military communication systems and complexes”. The scientific novelty of the work is the improved educational process of training and development of a cadet leader in professional training courses (L-1B) of the tactical level of military education by reformatting group classes in the traditional format into a professional business game for the positions of officers with the introduction of typical and atypical (force majeure) training tasks for cadets in everyday activities in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information.


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    28. Kozubtsova LM, Kozubtsov IM, Lishchyna VO, Shtanenko SS. Concept of the training complex for training military information and cybersecurity specialists based on a computer game (gamification). Cybersecurity: education, science, technology. 2022; 2:18; 49-60.
    29. Ponomarov OA, Pyvovarchuk SA, Kozubtsov IM. On the use of the computer game "Become the Head of the Field Information and Communication Hub" in the study of tactical and special disciplines. Collection of reports and abstracts of the materials of the II International Scientific and Technical Conference "Systems and Technologies of Communication, Informatization and Cybersecurity: Topical Issues and Development Trends".Kyiv: Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization. 2022; 174-175.
    30. Kozubtsov IM, Kozubtsova LM, Khlaponin YuI. Modern theory and practice of training of higher education applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in higher military educational institutions on the basis of methodological culture. Collection of scientific papers "Military Education". 2022; 1(45); 102-111.
    31. Didenko O.V., Kozubtsov I.M.Modernized model of professional training of officers of the security and defense sector based on the needs of combat practice. Collection of reports and abstracts of the materials of the II International Scientific and Technical Conference "Systems and Technologies of Communication, Informatization, and Cybersecurity: Topical Issues and Development Trends".Kyiv: Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization. 2022; 93.
    32. Kozubtsova L.M., Kozubtsov I.M., Saienko O.H., Shatsilo P.V.Personalized model of advanced training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Collection of scientific papers "Military Education". 2022; 2(46); 127-137.
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    34. Nesterov O.M., Kozubtsov I.M., Olshanskyi V.V., Filippov V.V.Conceptual view of the Department of Combat Use of Communication Units on the Training of Military Specialists on the Basis of Leadership Professional and Business Game. Systems and Technologies of Communication, Informatization and Cybersecurity: Topical Issues and Development Trends: Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference.Kyiv: Heroes of Kruty Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization. 2023; 356-357.
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