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要約 at IgMin Research


Medicine Group Literature Review Article ID: igmin122

Market Structure and Market Behavior Analysis of Anti-Monopoly of Platform Economy

Health Economics Health PolicyHealth Informatics Affiliation


    School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710127, China


Monopoly and anti-monopoly regulation in the field of platform economy has gradually become a hot and difficult issue of global concern. Based on the competitive monopoly market structure of the platform economy, algorithmic price discrimination, algorithmic price collusion, exclusive monopoly agreements and prohibitions, and other price and nonprice market behaviors, this paper conducts a case study on the relationship between the special market structure, market behavior, and anti-monopoly regulation in the field of the platform economy. The study finds that the market behavior of the Platform economy is relatively independent of the market structure. The market structure of digital platforms is effective, realizing the transformation of the Marshall Conflict. The focus of anti-monopoly regulation of the Platform economy should be on market behavior.


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