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Medicine Group Literature Review 記事ID: igmin122

Market Structure and Market Behavior Analysis of Anti-Monopoly of Platform Economy

Public Health DOI10.61927/igmin122 Affiliation


    Zhang Wang, School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710127, China, Email: [email protected]

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Monopoly and anti-monopoly regulation in the field of platform economy has gradually become a hot and difficult issue of global concern. Based on the competitive monopoly market structure of the platform economy, algorithmic price discrimination, algorithmic price collusion, exclusive monopoly agreements and prohibitions, and other price and nonprice market behaviors, this paper conducts a case study on the relationship between the special market structure, market behavior, and anti-monopoly regulation in the field of the platform economy. The study finds that the market behavior of the Platform economy is relatively independent of the market structure. The market structure of digital platforms is effective, realizing the transformation of the Marshall Conflict. The focus of anti-monopoly regulation of the Platform economy should be on market behavior.


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    2. Helfat CE, Raubitschek RS. Dynamic and integrative capabilities for profiting from innovation in digital platform-based ecosystems. Research Policy, 2018; 47(8):1391-1399.
    3. Zhang W. The Impact of the Platform Economy on Urban–Rural Integration Development: Evidence from China. Land. 2023; 12: 1417.
    4. Yong LJ. Oligopoly on Internet Platforms: Roots, Effects, and Countermeasures. People's Tribune.2021; 696:12-15.
    5. Liang ZK, Xia W. The Identification Obstacles and Path Optimization of Dominant Position of the Market of Internet Platform. Price Theory & Practice.2021; 442(04):26-32.
    6. Hao N, Ji M. Development of Platform Economy and Urban–Rural Income Gap: Theoretical Deductions and Empirical Analyses. Sustainability. 2023; 15: 7684.
    7. Tao L, Mulayi J. The Origins, Challenges, and Governance of Internet Monopoly Enterprises: A Review of Research Progress. Communication of Finance and Accounting.2021; 878(18):13-17+54.
    8. Huai L.The Impact of the New Economy: Structural Changes and Theoretical Evolution. Economic Perspectives.2001; (02):10-14.
    9. Fu Yu, Sui G, Zhao Z. Single- Oligopoly Competitive Monopoly: A New Market Structure the Case of Internet Platforms. China Industrial Economics. 2014; 310(01):140-152.
    10. Zhi S, Wenjun J, Baowen S. Hierarchical Monopolyand Competition:Characteristics of Internet Industry’s Market Structure Analysis of Internet Platform. Journal of Management World. 2018; 34(04):80-100+187-188.
    11. Yunxia Y, Xin C. Discourse Monopoly of Internet Platform Giants in Hegemonic Countries and China's Countermeasures. World Socialism Studies. 2021; 6(11):84-93+116.
    12. Haucap J. Competition and Competition Policy in a Data-Driven Economy. Intereconomics.2019; 54(4):201-208.
    13. Chan W. The Regulationof Big-Data Driven Price Discrimination: An Analysis Basedon New Institutional Economicsand Game Theory. Jinan Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences. 2021; 43(06):52-64.
    14. Wright AJ. Two-sided markets, competitive bottlenecks and exclusive contracts. Economic Theory. 2007; 32(2):353-380.
    15. Doganoglu T. Exclusive dealing with network effects. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2010; 28(2):145-154.
    16. Kunyi W, Feng ZY, Yinxing H. Research on Monopoly of China's Internet Platform Market: Formation Logic, Behavior Definition and Government Regulation. Finance & Economics. 2021; 403(10):56-69.
    17. Kyung PK. The rise and development of the platform economy in South Korea. International. Journal of Asian Studies. 2023; 20(2): 575-589. doi:10.1017/S1479591422000225
    18. Yaojia T, Yue Y. Anti-competitive Effects of Exclusive Contracts by Platforms in Two-sided Markets. Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business. 2020; 22(04):62-69.


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