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General-science Group Research Article 記事ID: igmin117

Homologous Series of Chemical Compounds in Three-component Systems (Aa+ – Bb+ – Cc–) and (Zn2+ - Ge4+ - P3-) in Generalized Form

Chemistry DOI10.61927/igmin117 Affiliation


    Undalov Yu K, Ioffe Institute of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Email:

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For the first time, a method for calculating formulas of homologous series of chemical compounds of the systems (Aa+ – Bb+ – Cc–) and {Zn2+ – Ge4+ – P3–} in a generalized form is presented. The calculation is confirmed by the literature experimentally obtained compounds: thirteen compounds of the system (Na+ – Ti4+ – O2–), seven – systems (Li+ – Ti4+ – O2–), five – systems (K+ – V5a+ –  – O2–), eight – systems (Ba2+ – Cu2+ – O2*). Homological series in (Aa+ – Bb+ – Cc–) have the following generalized form: A{t – k·r + nr – r)bcBracC{t – k·r + nr)ab and AtbcB{r – k·t + nt – t}acC (r – k·t + nt)ab.
In (Zn2+ – Ge4+ – P3–) systems for the m-group the formulas of homologous series, that develops towards Ge3P4, have the following generalized form: Zn6tGe(6r – 6kt + 6n – 6t)P(8r – 8kt + 8n)  and for αm-homologous series – Zn6Ge3nP4(n + 1). A method for calculating formulas of homologous series of chemical compounds in a generalized form can be used for any system of chemical elements.



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